European elections, Liguria loses two out of three parliamentarians: Benifei (Pd) is the only one elected

European elections, Liguria loses two out of three parliamentarians: Benifei (Pd) is the only one elected
European elections, Liguria loses two out of three parliamentarians: Benifei (Pd) is the only one elected

Genoa. AND Brando Benifei of the Democratic Party, the only Ligurian who is almost certain of being elected to the European Parliament. This is what emerges when there are still a few thousand sections missing at the end of the counting in all the Italian sections, including the 15,999 of the North-Western Italy constituency of which our region is part, penalized as always by one low specific weight in relation to the population. The outcome, however, is much worse than five years ago, when they were also elected Marco Campomenosi (League) e Tiziana Beghin (M5s). Therefore our region loses two out of three parliamentarians.

Liguria’s results are now consolidated, but the mechanism for allocating seats is first and foremost national and therefore everything can change up to the last registered card.

The head of the outgoing Democratic delegation in the European Parliament conquer the third consecutive term cashing in approximately 29,831 votes in Liguria and 64,373 in the constituency, placing fifth among its members. From what transpires it is enough to confirm the seat, we are just waiting for the official announcement.

To be honest, it would also be there on paper Roberto Vannacci, born in La Spezia but raised in Ravenna. The general nominated by Salvini – clearly thanks to a national push rather than a consensus on the territory – is the champion of preferences in the League lists in all the constituencies (except the islands) including the North West and reaches 18,977 in Liguria. But it is good to remember that the electoral law provides for theautomatic assignment of preference to the list leader in the event of a vote expressed only for the list. In other words, Vannacci’s (and the other list leaders’) loot includes the voters who chose the League without indicating any name.

Here are the results of the European elections in Liguria, municipality by municipality

Everyone else stays out. Starting from Stefano Balleari which, despite the primacy of Fratelli d’Italia at national and regional level, ranks ninth in its constituency (eighth counting Meloni’s resignation) with 14,767 preferences taken, almost all of them in Liguria, making it first of those excluded. And he himself communicates it while the ballot is still in progress: “Unfortunately, almost 15 thousand votes were not enough to be electedand I say this with the total serenity of someone who did the most in this electoral round.”

The Northern League deputy also remains in Italy Francesco Bruzzone, fifth on the list with 24,338 votes of which 8,848 came from his region. The Genoese councilor Lorenzo Rosso, candidate with the League, stops at 1,286. The former undersecretary Andrea Costacandidate for Forza Italia-Noi Moderati, got 9,101 votes in the North West (coming sixth) and 2,982 in Liguria. Luigi Grillo instead it stops at 1,441.

In the Democratic Party, good result for the Genoese city councilor Donatella Alfonso which garnered 10,447 votes in the North West (almost 9,297 from Liguria) while the Sanremo Lucia Artusi she is second to last among her classmates with 3,201 votes. For the Alleanza Verdi Sinistra, the activist from Lavagne Daniele Cicala brings home 3,851 votes (912 from Liguria), the Genoese secretary of the Italian Left Simona Cosso reaches 3,271 (2,250 from Liguria). Fabio Romano of the M5s wins 4,905 preferences (more than 2,700 in Liguria) which however are not enough to enter Parliament, the results of the other five-star candidates are less flattering: Isabella Parini 1,739, Jean-François Boudard 682.

He is not Ligurian, but was commissioner of the regional agency InLiguria for two years, the outgoing head of delegation of Fratelli d’Italia Carlo Fidanza, reconfirmed immediately after Giorgia Meloni with 50,726 votes, of which however only 4,542 came from Liguria.

With Azione below the threshold the Genoese cannot manage Cristina Lodi, which however garners 5,529 votes (3,737 in Liguria alone) and leads Calenda’s party by more than 4% in the capital. Same fate for Raffaella Paita of United States of Europe, 14,598 preferences in the North West, 4,273 in Liguria. Tursi’s councilor is on the same list Davide Falteri it stops at 1,269.

There top ten of the preferences expressed in the province of Genoa give some surprises. After the leaders Meloni and Strada (31,230 and 23,331 active votes respectively) there are Brando Benifei (14,952) e Stefano Balleari (9,079). Followed by two other leaders, Vannacci (8,666) and Salis (8,657), therefore a trio of the Democratic Party: Donatella Alfonso (7,219), the mayor of Bergamo Giorgio Gori (6,111) and the deputy Alessandro Zan (5,673). In tenth place Antonio Tajani, leader of Forza Italia with 5,702 preferences.

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