Corruption investigation, the National Association of Liguria Magistrates: «The attacks on the judge for preliminary investigations are unacceptable»

The investigating judge Paola Faggioni is targeted by criticism from political leaders, some newspapers and TV commentators. The Ligurian council of the ANM: «It has taken offensive positions for almost a month». Furthermore «The newspaper “Libero” has arrived at an unacceptable profiling of the alleged political opinions of the judge’s closest family members to discredit the impartiality and professional correctness of the colleague»

Attacks defined as “serious” for “those directly involved, for the judiciary they represent and for the Italian people in whose name the judges pronounce the sentences”. The National Association of Magistrates denounces this in a note which expresses «deep solidarity with the three colleagues involved in the investigation, each according to their own function and all in full respect of professional ethics in fulfillment of those who are, first of all, the duties that the law imposes on the public prosecutor and the investigating judge”.

«After the news of the precautionary orders issued in the proceedings against Giovanni Toti and other suspects, we witnessed offensive positions being taken in the context of statements by political representatives and headlines of some newspapers – reads a note from the Ligurian ANM -. Some commentators have gone so far as to define the magistrates involved in the proceedings in television broadcasts as: “a criminal association”. For almost a month we avoided public interventions with the hope that the public debate would fall into the right direction of due attention and legitimate criticism of judicial measures. This was not the case and on Saturday, the newspaper “Libero” arrived at an unacceptable profiling of the alleged political opinions of judge Faggioni’s closest family members to discredit the impartiality and professional correctness of their colleague”.

«It is yet another attack, seriously distorted, against one of the magistrates involved in the investigation, continues the Ligurian association of magistrates -. Similar mystifying initiatives had already been addressed to the public prosecutor’s magistrates Federico Manotti and Luca Monteverde”.

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