>ANSA-BOX/ Calabria rewards government parties, PD rises, M5s collapses – Current affairs

>ANSA-BOX/ Calabria rewards government parties, PD rises, M5s collapses – Current affairs
>ANSA-BOX/ Calabria rewards government parties, PD rises, M5s collapses – Current affairs

(ANSA) – CATANZARO, JUNE 10 – In Calabria, where abstention wins with a turnout of only 40.31%, the vote cast in the European elections rewards the parties in government in Italy. FdI, FI and Lega, in fact, with the counting almost completed – 2,389 sections out of 2,406 – improve the data obtained in the elections of two years ago. The first party in the region is Fratelli d’Italia, improving the 2022 result by more than one percentage point, followed closely by Forza Italia-Noi moderates which obtains double the votes obtained at a national level by the Azzurri, while the League grows by almost 4 points. The Democratic Party also improves while the 5 Star Movement collapses. Among the candidates, General Vannacci did not make the cut, obtaining 8,136 votes compared to the 57,761 votes received by the League. The Calabrians, therefore, reward the party of Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni which obtained 20.55%, improving the result of the 2022 elections when she obtained 18.98%. Calabria confirms itself as the stronghold – together with Sicily – of Forza Italia. The Azzurri reach 18.01% of the votes compared to 15.64%. In the political elections, however, Noi Moderates ran alone and obtained 1.02%. The Calabrian result confirms the excellent state of health of Tajani’s party, doubling the national result, and rewarding the governor Roberto Occhiuto, deputy national secretary of FI. The League is also on the rise and, with 9.19% of the vote, improves the political result by almost 4 points, when it stopped at 5.72%. The Democratic Party is improving, going from 14.40% of the ’22 elections to 15.92%, but remains behind the 5 Star Movement, the third party in the region despite the almost halving of the votes obtained two years ago, going from 29, 36% to 16.08%. Just below the national figure for the Greens and Left Alliance with 5.94%, but with a leap forward compared to 2022 when it obtained 1.74%. The Calabrians would also have rewarded Matteo Renzi and Carlo Calenda. United States of Europe, in fact, reaches 6.08% and Action 4.18%. In the last general elections, the two parties ran together and obtained 4.15%. In terms of candidatures, with the counting still underway, an exploit for the vice president of the Region, the Forzista Giusi Princi, who obtained 63,952 preferences, over half of those on the list, making her by far the most voted in Calabria. The second in this ranking is Denis Nesci, outgoing FdI MEP, with over 28 thousand votes. Good personal result also for the former INPS president Pasquale Tridico (M5S) with 27,325 votes. Excellent result also for the former mayor of Riace and supporter of reception policies Domenico ‘Mimmo’ Lucano who reaches 22,616 votes. Good result for the president of the Calabrian regional council, the Northern League member Filippo Mancuso with 21,628 preferences, who, on the list, is followed by the parliamentarian Simona Loizzo with 15,388. In light of these results, in the southern constituency, Princi, Nesci, Tridico and Lucano should be elected. (HANDLE).

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