European elections, one million voters cast their ballots in Fvg. 114 mayors were also chosen


Over one million voters in Friuli Venezia Giulia are called to vote in the European elections and the renewal of 114 municipal administrations this weekend.
The 370 polling stations of the 114 Municipalities in which people vote for the local elections were duly constituted this morning at 09.00.
Polling stations will be open today, Saturday 8 June, from 3.00 pm to 11.00 pm and Sunday 9 June from 7.00 am to 11.00 pm. During the same opening hours as the polling stations, the competent municipal offices will also be open for the issue of undelivered voter ID cards or duplicates in the event of damage, loss or theft of the original.


For the European elections, 1,048,166 citizens will be called to vote, of which 508,112 men and 540,054 women. Among these, 59,185 voters reside in another European Union country and are registered with the AIRE (Registry of Italians Resident Abroad). These voters will be able to vote at polling stations at consulates, with their votes counted in the Northeast constituency. 157 co-regional residents temporarily domiciled in an EU country also requested to vote.

The electoral body also includes EU citizens resident in Italy who have chosen to elect Italian European parliamentarians, with 14,932 voters in total in the North-East constituency. The provinces with the right to vote are: Trieste (192,324 voters), Udine (466,777), Gorizia (114,246) and Pordenone (274,819). 1,358 electoral sections have been established: 151 in Gorizia, 612 in Udine, 276 in Trieste and 319 in Pordenone.

New to this election round are the seats for off-site students. In Friuli Venezia Giulia, 616 students will be able to vote in the municipality of temporary residence if they are in the same electoral district as the municipality of residence. Otherwise, they will have to go to Trieste, where a specific polling station has been set up.

Municipal elections

For the renewal of municipal administrations, 292,577 voters, of which 144,391 men and 148,186 women, will vote in 114 municipalities: 84 in the province of Udine, 3 in the province of Trieste, 14 in the province of Pordenone and 12 in the province of Gorizia.

Among these, 49,771 are registered with AIRE and will not be able to vote for the municipal elections. This will affect turnout and quorum in municipalities with only one candidate for mayor. In these 28 municipalities, the election will be valid only if 40% of resident voters vote, and at least 50% of these cast a valid vote for the single candidate.

There are 224 candidates for mayor, of which 56 are women (25%). The average age of the candidates is 56 years, while that of the female candidates is 52 years. The most common competition is between two candidates (64 municipalities), followed by three candidates in 20 municipalities and four candidates in two municipalities. The North-East constituency, which also includes Veneto, Emilia-Romagna and Trentino-Alto Adige, will elect 15 MEPs.

In Udine, no to queues divided by inclusion

In view of the European elections on 8 and 9 June, the administration of Udine has sent a letter to the polling station presidents in which it invites the presidents to arrange voters and electors in a single row, instead of two divided by gender. they expect to vote, as a form of protection for transgender and non-binary people, respecting their privacy and confidentiality, avoiding unnecessary inconvenience to them.

This decision, announced by the Department of Demographic Services, represents a concrete commitment for the administration to guarantee respect and equal treatment for all citizens.

The subdivision of the ranks is a practice in many municipalities but there is no legal obligation, although by law – dating back to 1945 – the lists of voters and electors are drawn up with distinction based on male and female sex.

Through an official letter sent to the presidents of the polling stations, the Department of Demographic Services has requested that the ranks of voters no longer be divided based on gender: “In order to protect the privacy of all people with respect to the registered sex indicated in their official documents ”. This measure thus aims to create a more inclusive and respectful voting environment, eliminating a practice that could be discriminatory and detrimental to people’s dignity.

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