Murder in Borgo San Donato in Sabaudia has begun before the Court of Assizes of the Court of Latina the trial of Marco Gianni’s killer. He is accused of shooting and killing the 31-year-old handball coach

The he killed in just over 25 minutes: from 4.10 pm to 4.36 pm on 13 April 2023. One of the two Carabinieri from the Investigative Unit who today was heard before the judges who will have to decide on Riccardo’s judicial fate testified to the time of the crime of 31-year-old Marco Gianni Of Girolamo who must answer for murder aggravated by premeditation And alteration of common firearm..

In fact, the trial of the 34-year-old from Pontinia, Riccardo Di Girolamo, assisted by the lawyer Fabrizio Cassoni. To Di Girolamo, detained and present in the courtroom escorted by Penitentiary Police officers, the public prosecutor Daria Monsurrò, who represents the prosecution, challenges the voluntary and premeditated murder of the 31-year-old handball coach Marco Gianni which occurred last April 13, 2023 in Sabaudia, in the victim’s family nursery in via del Villaggio.

Di Girolamo was sent to trial last May 17 after the judge for the preliminary hearing of the Court of Latina, Giuseppe Molfese, he rejected the request to be tried under the summary procedure. According to the Cartabia law, in fact, a voluntary and premeditated murder is not a crime that can be contested during a preliminary hearing, but it is necessary for an Assize Court, complete with a popular jury, to judge the accused, in this Di Girolamo case. Also present as civil parties in the trial which began today are Marco Gianni’s family, defended by the lawyer Giamila Dezio, and Gianni’s partner, Giada Roscioli, the killer’s ex-wife, assisted by the lawyer Stefano Ciapanna.

Riccardo Di Girolamo

After his arrest, before the Judge for preliminary investigations, Giuseppe Cario, the 34-year-old from Pontinia had admitted to having shot Marco Gianni. Di Girolamo had chosen to answer the questions of the Judge for the preliminary investigations, contrary to his refusal to answer the questions of the Carabinieri of the Latina Investigative Unit, led by Lieutenant Colonel Antonio De Lise, after they had arrested him. The man had explained that he had shot Gianni inside the Borgo San Donato horticultural company owned by the victim without clarifying the reason for the gesture. At the investigating judge, Di Girolamo also said that he regretted it but that he had not lost his mind as there was and is an ongoing dispute between him and his ex over the maintenance of his two children. According to investigators, Di Girolamo killed Gianni for reasons of jealousy, as the latter was engaged to his ex, with whom he had the two children.

The investigative hypothesis of the Latina Carabinieri is that Di Girolamo, having had other disagreements with Gianni and his ex in the past, had developed resentment towards the couple. From this feeling, the murder would have arisen. In any case, no complaints were found regarding any threats suffered by Gianni and his partner in the past, although the latter had been beaten several times during their relationship (Di Girolamo apparently became more violent after drinking alcohol and other narcotic substances so much so that he was followed to the Sert). Furthermore, the victim and Di Girolamo knew each other and it can be said that they were friends, at least until Gianni’s relationship with his ex.

There the Carabinieri’s theory was confirmed today by the two Carabinieri investigators which were heard today. On the day of the murder, Gianni was found in a pool of blood, after the Carabinieri were alerted by two telephone calls to 112. One of the two soldiers recalled that a witness explained that Di Girolamo had told him that he had killed Marco Gianni shortly Before. Afterwards, the Carabinieri went to the home of Di Girolamo himself who, immediately arriving aboard his Fiat 500, confessed the crime to the men of the Army.

At the killer’s house, i Carabinieri found three rifles in the wardrobe and a daggerwhile another was inside the car sawn-off shotgun load and a cartridge belt full of unused cartridges. At Di Girolamo’s house, the military carried out the Stub (the swab test used to reveal the residues left by a gunshot on a person’s body and clothes) against the murderer.

Subsequently, Di Girolamo was taken to the barracks. According to the Carabinieri who testified, the man, after the murder, initially returned home where he changed and placed the rifle he had fired with in the wardrobe.
“We ascertained Di Girolamo’s presence at the nursery via the camera located on the Migliara. Di Girolamo passes by with the car at 4.10pm and leaves at 4.36pm”. The killer was also intercepted in prison after his arrest and, on two separate occasions, in conversation with his parents and sister, he expressed his concern about other weapons that he kept in the garage at home, as well as admitting to his action, explaining that in prison, given the crime committed, everyone was scared.

Yet, according to what was declared by the Carabinieri, the murder of Marco Gianni was based on messages sent, as early as 2021, by the accused himself towards the victim. The 34-year-old, according to what Gianni wrote to three different people, including his partner Giada, he had threatened the handball coach several times. “He told me that if she sees me on the street it will hurt me,” Gianni wrote to his partner. “You bother me, you’ve been threatening me for six months. She’ll just go to shit, she told me.” On another occasion, Gianni himself told a friend that Di Girolamo had appeared before him with a bat in his hand and threatened him with death. Furthermore, the killer, who was supposed to see a lawyer with her ex just last year to finalize the separation, asked Roscioli to postpone the appointment for April 14, that is, the day that will prove to be the day following the murder.

A day, 13 April a year ago, in which the Carabinieri found Gianni’s body in the Borgo San Donato nursery: 4 12 gauge shell casings from the hunting rifle near him, a couple of meters from the body.

Instead, it was the medical examiner Fabio Guidato of Tor Vergata University who described the crime scene. The testimony preceded that of the IT consultant who extracted the messages from the cell phones of the victim and perpetrator that ended up in the investigation documents.

The medical examiner performed the autopsy and carried out the inspection, explaining that there were several gunshot holes on Gianni’s body. There were five shots on the chest, abdomen and temple: the first two at a medium distance between 3 and 5 metres; the next three shots between 150 and 200 centimeters, at close range, arrived from top to bottom. Gianni, after the first two buckshots fired from the hunting rifle, was still alive. He was finished off with further blows, one of which hit the temple and proved fatal.

The trial will resume on July 9th: the examination of all the prosecution witnesses is scheduled, plus the testimonies of Gianni’s brother and his partner and civil party Giada Roscioli.

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