Mo, Meloni receives Mustafa for a “sustainable ceasefire”

While the Israeli bombings continue on Rafah despite the ruling of the International Court of Justice in The Hague which ordered the suspension of military operations, the Prime Minister, Giorgia Meloni, received the Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammed Mustafa this morning at Palazzo Chigi.

Giorgia Meloni received the Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammed Mustafa

The Prime Minister, we read in a note, “reaffirmed Italian support for all ongoing efforts for a sustainable ceasefire, the release of all the hostages in the hands of Hamas and a leap in quality in humanitarian assistance to the population of Gaza. In this last regard, Italy’s strong commitment to the civilian population of Gaza was underlined, including through further funding for the ‘Food for Gaza’ initiative”.

Meloni: “Political process that leads to lasting peace”

Furthermore, Meloni, we read in the note, “reaffirmed the need to restart a political process that leads to a lasting peace based on the two-state solution”.

Israel’s bombing of the Gaza Strip continues

Meanwhile, Israeli forces have bombed the Gaza Strip, including Rafah. At least 10 people died and 17 were injured in Israeli attacks in the as-Saftawi neighborhood in northern Gaza according to Al Jazeera and the Palestinian news agency Wafa which cited medical sources. Among the targets targeted was a school that housed displaced people in the neighborhood just south of Jabalya. Palestinian witnesses and France Presse also reported Israeli attacks in Deir al-Balah, which is located in the center of the Strip.

Unicef ​​alarm: “The lives of 20 newborns in hospitals without electricity are at risk”

And if for their part, the Israeli ministers judged the Hague ruling as “anti-Semitic and irrelevant”, Unicef ​​raises the alarm for the health equipment of the Al-Aqsa hospital in Deir el-Balah: due to the lack of electricity, the lives of 20 newborns, including some premature ones, welcomed in the facility are at risk. “Gaza – writes Unicef ​​in its appeal – needs more fuel now and safe corridors for humanitarian workers”.

The WHO denounces the lack of fuel and medicines in the facilities in the Strip

The World Health Organization also denounced the serious lack of fuel and medicines in several hospitals in the Strip after the closure of the Rafah crossing and the director of the WHO, Tedros Gebreyesus, warned that access to healthcare is reducing throughout Gaza and that in the north the Kamal Adwan hospital is already no longer functioning.

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