“Every day I get up to solve problems, I want to leave something” – Telesettelaghi

“Every day I get up to solve problems, I want to leave something” – Telesettelaghi
“Every day I get up to solve problems, I want to leave something” – Telesettelaghi

(Adnkronos) – ”I’m not the type of person who can repay his sacrifices with vanity… Currently my life goes like this: I get up in the morning, I try to solve problems, I go to sleep. On average I spend an hour a day with my daughter. Does anyone really think that I can do this with the sole objective of staying and doing this?”. Guest of the Trento Economics Festival Giorgia Meloni talks about her life ‘sacrificed’ as prime minister, halfway between an outburst and pride for the role held. A life as a workaholic and Mister Wolf at the same time, ”at the service” of the citizens. The Prime Minister vindicates what her government has done up to now and reiterates that she will not retreat an inch from the premiership. ”For me, this life is worth living – assures the leader of Via della Scrofa – if when you’re done you can look at Italy and say that it was worth it. So, I want to leave something, it’s make or break: no one asks me to warm my seat and stay here to survive, because I wouldn’t be the right person to hold this position”. Hence the ”need” to reform the premiership with which ”we put the snitch of decisions back into the hands of the citizens”. Not only that, the premiership is a ”democratic and also economic measure because it guarantees the stability of a government and stability is a measure to strengthen the nation’s growth opportunities”. The government, she explains, ”came with a story of the plagues of Egypt, it is clear that if you are presented as Attila the Hun and instead you are Giorgia Meloni, it is possible that you will be reassured by the very fact of being Meloni”. The Prime Minister explains why, despite the public finances in trouble, the rating agencies have not downgraded Italy: ”The solidity of the majority is important. Nobody wants to invest in a country where everything changes every year. When you have time, when your majority is not always in the balance, you can also build a strategy and this also makes the difference in the eyes of those who invest. We are trying to build a strategy.” “Whoever invests – remarks Meloni – wants to see what your idea is and wants to bet. Furthermore, you highlighted the seriousness with which we approached economic matters, paying attention to public spending, to the budget without giving up expansionary measures, without depressing the economy. We have found balance, we have had the courage to do even unpopular things. What we are doing on the Superbonus seems like an unpopular measure, but I need to limit the bleeding generated by the Superbonus because we can’t afford it”. ”You have to have the courage to do the right things – she says – even when they are unpopular. Like when we abolished the citizen’s income. It was said that there would be a revolution, and instead many former earners today have a job and are even happier.” —[email protected] (Web Info)

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