In Lazio, spending on durable goods grew by 10% to 7.3 billion euros

The 7 billion and 330 million euros spent in 2023 on durable goods, they give Lazio the second step of the national podium, behind only Lombardy. Total spending – according to what was found by the Findomestic Observatory (BNP Group) in collaboration with Prometeia – increased by 9.9%, exceeding the national average growth (+8.9%), but just lower than that of the Central regions ( +10.1%), driven by the excellent result of Tuscany.

In Lazio – comment Claudio Bardazzi, Manager of the Findomestic Observatorythe most sustained variations occur for new cars (+24.9%, 5.6 points above the national average, 1 billion and 792 million), for motor vehicles (+28.7, almost 4 points above the national figure, 249 million euros), and for used cars (+14.6% and 2 billion 239 million). Smaller increase for household appliances (+4.4%) and furniture (0.9%). The decline in spending on consumer electronics (-28.2%) and information technology (-4.2%) continues. Spending on telephony also fell (-2.6%).

Disposable income per capita grew by 5.5% in 2023, just lower than the national 5.7%.. This brings the disposable income per inhabitant to 23,969 euros. Among the provinces, Rome shows the highest increase (+6%), while the most limited growth is observed in Rieti and Latina, both at 2.6%.

Spending on durable goods grew the most, once again, in Rome (+10.7%), supported by better dynamics than other provinces, especially for new cars and motorcycles. The average expenditure per family ranges from 2,478 euros in Rieti to 2,866 in Rome, with the regional average standing at 2,759 euros, the eleventh in Italy.

SPENDING ON DURABLE GOODS GROWS BY 6.3% IN FROSINONE. Frosinone is the third province of Lazio for spending on durable goods with a total of 504 million euros (2,489 per household). Growth was 6.3%.

The numbers recorded by the Findomestic Observatory were positive for the mobility sector, where the inhabitants spent 104 million euros on new cars (+15.4%), however preferring the used car market: 157 million euros (compared to 137 in 2022) for an increase of 14.5% in line with the regional average. Two-wheelers also did well, for which 13 million euros were spent with a growth of 18.6%.

Compared to a +3.6% for household appliances which reached 40 million euros, the Ciociarians preferred the furniture sector in which 132 million euros were spent (-0.9% compared to ’22). The heaviest losses occurred in the electronics sector (-29.2%, 13 million in 2022 vs 9 million in 2023), while those for information technology (-7.5%) and for telephony (-3.2%).

LATINA BEHIND ONLY ROME FOR SPENDING ON DURABLES: 572 MILLION IN 2023. Latina has the lowest figure of Lazio spending per family (2,349 euros, 76th in Italy), but it is the second province in the region where the most is spent on durable goods according to the Findomestic Observatory now in its 30th edition. In 2023 the overall total of purchases was 572 million, with an increase of 6.2% compared to 2022.

The driving force is the mobility sector in which spending on new cars amounts to 132 million euros (the second in Lazio) and +16.8%that for used cars at 168 million (+12.1%) and that for motor vehicles at 23 million (+18%).

In the panorama of household goods the only positive item is that of household appliances, for which Latina families spent 46 million with a +3.2%. On the other hand, purchases of consumer electronics (-29.8%, 11 million euros) and information technology (14 million, -7.9%) are down sharply, furniture is down slightly (-1.1%, 136 million euros) and telephony (41 million, -2.6%).

RIETI SECOND IN LAZIO FOR GROWTH IN THE NEW AND USED CAR SECTOR. The smallest province of Lazio spent 178 million euros on durable goods in 2023, with growth of 8.8% (second only to the province of Rome). As emerges from the analysis of the Findomestic Observatory, thanks also to the second regional growth in spending per family (+8.8%), each Rieti family unit purchased on average 2,478 euros of durable goods.

The resources spent were concentrated in used cars with 57 million euros (+17%) and in new cars with 39 million euros (+22.2%, second only to Rome). There was also a leap in two-wheelers where there was an increase of 20.4% (4 million).

As regards household goods, only household appliances are expanding (+2.3% to 13 million). On the other hand, expenses for furniture are decreasing slightly (-0.2%, 43 million) and that for telephony is more pronounced (-3.9%, 14 million).

Heavier declines occurred in consumer electronics, in which 3 million were spent with a decrease of 29.8%, and in information technology (4 million, -6.1%).

ROME LEADER IN ITALY FOR DURABLE GOODS, BEATS MILAN: OVER 5.5 BILLION SPENT. In 2023, the province of Rome spent 5 billion and 718 million euros on durables: this is the highest figure in Italy, ahead of Milan by around 500 million. The increase detected by the Findomestic Observatory is 10.7%, the 16th in the ranking of the 107 Italian provinces.

Each Roman family spent an average of 2,866 euros, which places the province in 53rd place, with a disposable per capita income of 26,386 euros (+6% on 2022). Rome leads the rankings of Lazio and Italy in purchases of new cars (1 billion and 435 million spent, +27.4%), used cars (1 billion and 740 million, +14.5%) and motor vehicles ( 196 million against 149 in 2022, + 31.2%). The consumption of household appliances, in the household goods sector, is the second at a regional level: 418 million (vs 399 the previous year) at +4.8%.

Furniture dominates, for which 1 billion and 243 million euros were spent (+1.4%). Negative trends, however, for consumer electronics, down by 27.8% (equal to 108 million), for information technology down by 3.5% (166 million) and for telephony which dropped by 2 .4% with total expenses of 412 million euros.

IN VITERBO THE SECOND HIGHEST PER CAPITA INCOME IN LAZIO. The province of Viterbo is the one with the second highest per capita income in Lazio: 18,654 euros, up 4.8% compared to 2022, behind only Rome in the regional context. According to the Findomestic Observatory, in 2023 the people of Viterbo spent 2,489 euros per family on durable goods for a total of 358 million euros (+8.1% on ’22 when the total was 331 million).

In the mobility sector, the growth of used cars stands out with a turnover of 116 million (+20.1%, which ranks 40th in Italy), compared to the increase in new cars to 82 million (+12.2%).

Motorcycles, on the other hand, they recorded an amount of 13 million, an increase of 25%. Among the expanding home sector markets, household appliances reached 25 million (+2.5%). Furniture held steady with 80 million spent (-0.5%) and consumer electronics collapsed (-30.6%) to 7 million. Information technology (9 million euros, -5.3%) and telephony (27 million, -3.1%) are also struggling.

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