De Laurentiis and Manna called Gasperini yesterday: the background

De Laurentiis and Manna called Gasperini yesterday: the background
De Laurentiis and Manna called Gasperini yesterday: the background

Andrea Percassi and Gian Piero Gasperini

De Laurentiis and Manna accelerate to bring Gasperini to the Napoli bench: yesterday they called the Atalanta coach

Accept Napoli or stay at Atalanta? Gian Piero Gasperini he’s very undecided about what to do next season. Today he will make a final decision after meeting the Orobic president Anthony Percassi. The coach himself, in his post-Europa League final statements, made it clear that he has a beautiful woman who tempts him a lot. That woman is Napoli who offered him the bench.

Gasperini at Napoli: today we decide

Napoli transfer market – Today’s edition of Courier of the Sport took stock of the situation regarding Gian Piero Gasperini who was also contacted by telephone by the president Aurelio De Laurentiis and by the new Italian sporting director Giovanni Manna:

“Adl is in a hurry: it wants and must accelerate the reconstruction process (already started). And then sporting director Manna is also in it, the manager who will have to face an extremely delicate and complex transfer campaign. And so, yesterday, the two they got on the phone: they called Gasp together and then alone. In the end the answer was always the same: he must first meet Percassi, which will happen today, especially because he is a coach under contract (until 2025). again: beyond the bureaucratic and formal aspects, Gasperini wants technical guarantees. He wants to enter into the intricacies and folds of Atalanta’s future. He needs to understand the plans and will ask Percassi to understand the prospects related to the squad, to the signings , to confirmations and transfers: everything normal, everything legitimate”. has been selected by the new Google service, if you want to always be updated on the latest news follow us on Google News

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