Horoscope of the day: Friday 24 May 2024

May 23, 2024, 6.30pm

3 min read

LiveSicilia’s horoscope of the day, edited by Skystar, to find out what the forecasts are for May 24, 2024. Love, work, well-being and luck. Rankings, votes and advice from Sicilian stars will accompany you until the new sun rises.

Horoscope of the day: from Aries to Virgo, the forecasts for May 24, 2024

♈ Aries

Today you are so energetic that you could power an entire city. Too bad no one asked you to do it. Be prepared for a day of unexpected events, like your neighbor’s cat deciding to move in with you. Rating: 6. Council of the Sicilian stars: “Don’t get too involved, you’re dealing with a spider’s web.” Today it would be better to be careful and not be too stubborn, because then you will find yourself in a trap.

♉ Taurus

Your patience is being put to the test today. Irritating people and stressful situations will be the order of the day. But don’t worry, there’s always a chocolate hidden somewhere. Rating: 5. Council of the Sicilian stars: “Pigghiatilla, calm down, everything will pass.” You are too stubborn and don’t want to admit your mistakes, but one day you can resolve them.

♊ Gemini

Talk, talk, talk. Today you look like an unstoppable radio DJ. However, not everyone will appreciate your communication skills, especially those who just want some silence. Rating: 7. Council of the Sicilian stars: “Make yourself a coffee and stay quiet.” Be careful not to talk too much, otherwise you will find yourself without friends.

♋ Cancer

Today you are as emotional as a Mexican soap opera. Even the simple act of choosing what to eat for lunch could trigger drama. Rating: 4. Council of the Sicilian stars: “It stinks, it stinks.” He stays calm and tries to relax, otherwise you’ll end up talking all day long.

♌ Leo

Today your ego is bigger than a flesh and blood lion. Too bad the rest of the world doesn’t agree and doesn’t give you the attention you deserve. Rating: 6. Council of the Sicilian stars: “Nothing can be done with salad and wine.” Nothing can stop you today, but be careful not to overdo it.

♍ Virgo

You are obsessed with cleanliness and order today. It wouldn’t be surprising to find you ironing your underwear too. It’s a shame that perfection doesn’t exist. Rating: 5. Council of the Sicilian stars: “Be careful so you don’t get hurt.” Too precise today, relax a little.

Horoscope of the day: from Libra to Pisces, the forecasts for May 24, 2024

♎ Libra

Today you are as diplomatic as an elephant in a china shop. Avoid arguments, especially with those who cannot understand your refined sense of balance. Rating: 5. Council of the Sicilian stars: “Stay the fuck who you end up with.” Try not to get too involved with her, otherwise you’ll regret it.

♏ Scorpio

Your day is a psychological thriller. Watch your back, especially from yourself and your paranoia. Rating: 6. Council of the Sicilian stars: “Cu sapi u sapi and cu nun sapi sinti.” Fact your facts today and don’t get involved in anything.

♐ Sagittarius

Today you feel like an explorer, too bad the only journey you’ll make is the one from bed to the fridge. Rating: 7. Council of the Sicilian stars: “The earth is flat.” Live life with serenity and relax a little.

♑ Capricorn

Work work work. There is nothing else on your mind today. But remember that you are a human being, not a robot. Rating: 6. Council of the Sicilian stars: “Tip, beddu, then finish.” Be careful not to forget about rest.

♒ Aquarius

Today your extravagant ideas do not find the right ground. Don’t worry, tomorrow will be another day to surprise the world with your brilliance. Rating: 7. Council of the Sicilian stars: “Statta cu i peri ‘nterra.” If there are too many people between each other, be careful not to do anything crazy.

♓ Pisces

Daydreaming all day. Too bad no one pays you to do it. Try to come back down to earth, at least a little. Rating: 5. Council of the Sicilian stars: “Ti mancia u panaru.” Don’t worry today, but remember that you have to do this.

Ranking for Friday 24 May 2024: from first to last mark

1 – Gemini
2 – Sagittarius
3 – Aquarium
4 – Aries
5 – Leo
6 – Scorpio

7 – Capricorn
8 – Taurus
9 – Virgo
10 – Libra
11 – Pisces
12 – Cancer


Published on

May 23, 2024, 6.30pm

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