Auditel TV ratings data on Wednesday 22 May with Atalanta winning the Europa League and beating Who has seen it

Auditel TV ratings data on Wednesday 22 May with Atalanta winning the Europa League and beating Who has seen it
Auditel TV ratings data on Wednesday 22 May with Atalanta winning the Europa League and beating Who has seen it

Rai achieves the hat trick. Wednesday 22 May state TV dominates the early evening, L’access prime time but not there prime time. Rai 1 imposes itself with Chain reaction And Five minutes, but also with the the final Of Europa League Between Atalanta And Bayer Leverkusen, won by the Bergamo players. The Goddess’s feat closes in front of Who has seen, aired on Rai 3it’s at The Island of the Famous on Channel 5. At the foot of the podium The prince is looking for a son on Italy 1, Crimes in Paradise on Rai 2, Out of the core on Rete 4, La7 remembers Capaci on A7. Here are all the data Auditel of the day.

The first evening of May 22nd: Atalanta wins

Here are the data from the first evening with the number of viewers and the respective share:

  • Rai 1, Atalanta-Juventus: 6,250,000 spectators (29.2%);
  • Rai 3, Who has seen: 1,713,000 spectators (9.6%);
  • Rai 1, The Island of the Famous: 1,678,000 spectators (12%).

Off the podium:

  • Italy 1, The prince is looking for a son: 1,442,000 spectators (7.5%);
  • Rai 2, Crimes in paradise: 1,079,000 spectators (5.7%);
  • Network 4, Out of the core: 757,000 spectators (5%);
  • La7, La7 remembers Capaci: 714,000 spectators (3.3%);
  • Tv8, Attack on Power – Olympus has fallen: 346,000 spectators (1.8%);
  • Nine, Lying love – Gone girl: 247,000 spectators (1.8%).

Amadeus, host of Affari Tuoi: program not broadcast to make room for Atalanta-Bayer Leverkusen

Prime time access data

Here are the data for prime time access (from 8.30pm to 9.30pm) with the number of viewers and the respective share:

  • Rai 1, Five minutes: 4,219,000 spectators (21.8%);
  • Channel 5, Strip the News: 3,014,000 spectators (13.8%);
  • Rai 3, A Place in the Sun: 1,775,000 spectators (8.1%).

At the foot of the podium:

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  • La7, Half past eight: 1,581,000 spectators (7.4%);
  • Italy 1, NCIS: 1,431,000 spectators (6.7%);
  • Rai 3, The horse and the tower: 1,247,000 spectators (6.3%);
  • Rai 2, Tg2 Post: 893,000 spectators (4%);
  • Network 4, Before tomorrow: 848,000 spectators (4%);
  • Nine, Don’t forget the lyrics: 601,000 spectators (2.8%).

Early evening data

Below are the data early evening (from 6pm to 8pm) with the number of viewers and the respective share:

  • Rai 1, The legacy: 3,869,000 spectators (25.7%);
  • Channel 5, The wheel of fortune: 3,014,000 spectators (21.3%);
  • Rai 1, The Legacy – The challenge of the 7: 2,881,000 spectators (23.7%).

Off the podium:

  • Rai 3, Region news: 2,324,000 spectators (14.5%);
  • Channel 5, Spin the wheel of fortune: 2,078,000 spectators (18.7%);
  • Rai 3, Blob: 918,000 spectators (5.1%);
  • Rai 3, The joy of music: 882,000 spectators (4.6%);
  • Network 4, Bitter Earth: 734,000 spectators (4.1%);
  • Rai 2, SWAT: 589,000 spectators (3.3%);
  • Italy 1, CSI: 579,000 spectators (3.4%);
  • Nine, Cash or Trash: 512,000 spectators (3.2%);
  • Italy 1, Studio Aperto Mag: 481,000 spectators (3.8%);
  • Rai 2, NCIS: 437,000 spectators (3.2%);
  • Tv8, Celebrity Chefs: 324,000 spectators (2.1%);
  • La7, Father Brown: 220,000 spectators (1.6%).

You listen to TV, how Auditel works

Auditel is a limited company whose shares belong to the various broadcasters. Photograph, minute by minute, the entire television offer by monitoring 16,100 families, representative of the entire Italian population, which form the Auditel sample, the so-called SuperPanel.

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The families are equipped with electronic equipment that allows them to analyse, 24 hours on 24, their television consumption. The data is collected and published by Auditel before 10 in the morning.

Photo source: ANSA

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