If you love coconut you have to try these biscuits for dipping: very fragrant and also light, I make them without butter and oil

If you love coconut you have to try these biscuits for dipping: very fragrant and also light, I make them without butter and oil
If you love coconut you have to try these biscuits for dipping: very fragrant and also light, I make them without butter and oil

Breakfast in the morning is important, all nutritionists say so: that’s why these biscuits can give you an extra boost!

If you love exotic scents, these biscuits are certainly for you: you won’t be able to resist, the crumbly and delicious consistency is truly incredible and the flavor recalls an atmosphere of paradise.

coconut dipping biscuits recipesprint

They look just like the classic butter biscuits, the ones found in tins, but with less than half the calories: yes, they are very light and you can eat them without feeling guilty.

I don’t add yeast, butter or oil and yet they still turn out delicious: thanks to this ingredient which makes the difference

It can’t be more enjoyable and at the same time digestible than this: how did I transform my grandmother’s recipe, making it more modern? Simply by varying the quantities I added some very fragrant coconut flour and natural vanilla extract and that’s it, a real delight to savor and share with those you love, in my house they compete to grab every last crumb!

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300 g of 00 flour
50 g of coconut flour
120 g of icing sugar
150 g of vegetable margarine
One egg + one yolk
A teaspoon of ammonia for desserts
A teaspoon of vanilla extract
A pinch of salt
Grated coconut to taste

Preparing coconut dipping biscuits

To make this recipe, start by preheating the oven to 180 degrees in static mode and line one or more baking trays with baking paper. In a large bowl, combine the 00 flour, coconut flour, ammonia, icing sugar and salt: mix the dry ingredients well using a whisk or fork. Add the chopped margarine to the bowl with the dry ingredients: using your fingertips or a fork, work the butter into the flour mixture until you obtain a sandy mixture.

Place the whole egg and the yolk in a large bowl and add the vanilla extract, mixing well, then pour the liquid mixture into the bowl with the dry ingredients. Using a spatula or wooden spoon, mix the ingredients until you obtain a uniform and soft mixture. Once you have obtained a smooth and compact mixture, form small balls with portions of the dough and place them on the lined baking tray, spacing them about 5 cm apart. You can choose the size you want, but obviously cooking times will vary slightly. Crush them slightly, sprinkle them with a little grated coconut if you like and transfer the biscuits to the preheated oven and cook for 12-15 minutes, until they start to brown and darken slightly on the edges.

At this point, remove the trays from the oven and let the biscuits cool completely on a rack before serving them: this phase is important to allow the biscuits to settle and acquire the right crumbliness. Once cooled, your biscuits for dunking with coconut flour and coconut milk will be ready to be served. You can enjoy them as they are or accompany them with a cup of tea, coffee or milk and don’t worry about the smell of ammonia because this will fade away permanently and there will be nothing left when you taste it!

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