Ascension Day – itConflenti

Customs, Rites, Beliefs

The Ascensionas testified by the sacred writings, is the last episode linked to the earthly life of Jesus, after forty days from that joyful ringing of the bells which announced, at the end of the rites of Holy Week, experienced by the Calabrian communities in meditation and prayer, the Resurrection of Jesus.
“U jornu d’a ascensione” commemorates the definitive ascent to heaven of the Risen Jesus and symbolically represents the Exaltation of the risen Jesus Christ, that is, his enthronement at the right hand of the Father, which took place immediately after his death.
Like the eve of Saint Lucia, Christmas Eve or that of Saint John, even that of the Ascension, in the Calabrian imagination is one of the magical days. On this day, omens could be obtained through some rituals.
On the day of the Ascension of Our Lord, it was tradition to go very early, before dawn, to find and collect the green twigs of some succulent plants, commonly called “ascension grass”, ascension herbicide as well as “herb of luck”, or as many people from Conflente remember simply ‘in furtuneddra.
It was already lucky to be able to find this little plant, even if those who used to perpetuate the rite annually knew well the places where to find it.

The people of Conflente, who remember this custom well, pass down a prayer that was recited for good luck at the time of discovery: – Well found furtuneddra, when Jesus is on the earth. What did he say to you? Who did he write to you? Furtuneddraa, who said he to you?
In furtuneddra it was then carefully collected, choosing the longest and brightest twigs, and subsequently taken to homes. Once decorated with a red or white ribbon, it was hung in a mostly dark place in the house, usually behind the door or at the bedside. The Ascension herb was one messenger, it was mainly used to obtain omens. The plant was in fact positioned at head downand if after a few days it tended to go out or flourished era good wishes otherwise if it continued to grow capusutta or completely withered announced trouble and misfortuneand adverse situations.
This rite like many others has been abandoned and forgotten, as the propitiatory fires of the eve of the Ascension and the so-called game of rings, also in use forty days after Easter.
In some Calabrian centers it was customary to do the u jocu d’a vuccula. Two iron rings were fixed to the ceiling beams of the house and a rope was tied to them like a swing. The girls climbed onto it and sang: O Angili who jati m’Paradisu facitimi na randi caritati, jati’ nduv’è Jesus ccu pizzu e risu, this soul of mine is recommended to us. Tell us about fazzu nova vita and cca Gesù vuogghiu pi nnammuratu; he’s the real nnammuratu, he’s the real amuri, he doesn’t want to be eternalized anymore.
This ancestral rite was a good omen for finding a handsome, wealthy and good-looking boyfriend!

On Ascension Day, some people dedicated themselves to preparing some preserves with the first fruits of May and dedicated themselves to chamomile harvestthen left to dry in large baskets or sieves.

MONTH OF MAY between customs, rites and beliefs

The month of May, in general, presents a mix of customs and beliefs.
In some Calabrian localities, on May 1st, peasant families used to hang a bunch of thorny broom branches behind their door (iure ‘e maju, or maju – although depending on the locality with maju different flowers and plants are indicated).

The thorny broom it was a good omen and chased away negativity.
Always on the first day of May it was customary to eat one or three dried figs to protect oneself from snake bites (snakes and curzuni) or in other locations from the bite of midges (muscariaddri and zampagghjuni). Others used to consume three figs on the third of May on the occasion of the Holy Cross, to protect themselves from the bite of snakes or donkeys.
Yes, you knew that Maju is ‘u mise di pacifierthe? According to popular belief, people avoided getting married in the month of May. Sin? Sin is ‘u put some pacifiers, and there was a risk of having i stupid children. Others simply say that in this month there is a unlucky day, and not knowing which one it is, it is better not to risk it.
As much is this carru and carrina worth as much as the water and Maju are worth on the second of April. As this popular saying goes, the rains in both April and May are fundamental for the soil and for the crops, in fact in these months the farmers dedicate themselves to sowing or transplanting and invoke and hope for some spring drizzle.

Primroses And Blue Flowers

April produces flowers and May has the honor.”. Spring offers wonderful sunny days, the breeze expands the scents of nature in bloom, of the month of roses, of the Marian month. In churches and homes; where some devotees still set up the altar;

Madonna Conflenti statue

the women find themselves “keeping company” with the simulacrum of the Celestial Mother by acting u Rosariu blessed de Maria and the song starts again:
“Della Quercia, or Benedetta
Our Mother of Visora
And Conflenti who adores you
and gives you life and heart.

You are more beautiful than the dawn
like a shining star one day
you will shine more and more beautiful
in the night and in pain…”

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