May Day 2024: initiatives in Liguria

Workers’ Day will be held on May 1st 2024. The values ​​and principles of our Constitutional Charter remind us to put the rights of everyone at the center every day. For these reasons, the CGIL will be present in Liguria with initiatives that will affect all the territories.


May Day organized by the Genoa Chamber of Labor at the Luzzati Gardens is dedicated to health and safety at work. At 6 pm in the excavation area there will be a meeting on health and safety at work during which data on accidents and occupational diseases in Genoa will be presented. The meeting entitled “Health and safety at work in Genoa” is attended by: Igor Magni General Secretary of Cgil Genoa, Sebastiano Calleri national health and safety manager of Cgil, Marco De Silva Head of Economic office of Cgil Genoa and Liguria. At 9pm concert, with free entry, with Samuele Sem Puppo and the Groovemakers. During the event, signatures will be collected for the presentation of the repeal referendums organized by the CGIL on the topics of dismissals, fixed-term contracts and safety.

In Savona the concentration is scheduled for 10.00 in Piazza Sisto IV and the unitary rally, entrusted to the CGIL, will be held by the National CGIL Secretary Daniela Barbaresi followed by the procession through the city streets while in Albenga the concentration is scheduled for 10.00 in Piazza del Popolo and the unitary rally, entrusted to the CISL, will be held by the Fnp CISL Savona Manager Claudio Bosio followed by a procession through the city streets.

The traditional joint procession of CGIL, CISL and UIL will take place on Wednesday May 1st in La Spezia, with a concentration at 9.30 am in Piazza Brin, departure of the demonstration at 10.00 am and final rally in Piazza Mentana. Santo Biondo, Uil national confederal secretary, will speak on behalf of CGIL, CISL and UIL.

It will be a May Day of mobilization in the Imperia area. CGIL, CISL and UIL meet workers and citizens at 10 am in Piazza Serra in Porto Maurizio for the unitary demonstration. After greetings from the mayor of Imperia Claudio Scajola, the CISL territorial manager Antonietta Pistocco and the general secretary of the CGIL Imperia Tiziano Tomatis will speak, while the rally will be held by the territorial coordinator of the UIL Milena Speranza. A live concert by Charlot Riot is planned for the square.

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