Belve, Lory Del Santo: “No one gets the subjunctive right, it should be eliminated. Let’s change the Italian to favor young people”

Belve, Lory Del Santo: “No one gets the subjunctive right, it should be eliminated. Let’s change the Italian to favor young people”
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There showgirl Lory Del Santo she was among the guests, together with Antonella Clerici and Margherita Buy, on yesterday’s episode, su Rai2Of Beastsa program hosted by the journalist Francesca Fagnani. The 65-year-old spoke, with an absent-minded air, about many topics.

One statement of his, in particular, was not appreciated by the world of culture, who expressed himself on social media. Here are his offending words: “No one gets the subjunctive right. Can’t it be eliminated from the Italian language? Young people don’t understand this concept. Let’s change the Italian language because it is too complicated on certain points, to favor young people.”

Obviously it is a utopia and the same Del Santo after a few minutes he has wrong subjunctive; here are the comments:

“Be careful that from tomorrow Salvini will start making propaganda with the abrogation of the subjunctive”.

“I am young and I know how to use the subjunctive and I claim it with pride”.

“Lory Del Santo, professor of literature: the battle for the subjunctive is mine too”.

“I prefer not to comment because I could become a real beast for this.”

Do kids no longer know how to write?

The subjunctive it’s a black beast for many students. A school in Gela even organized a competition to “save” it a few years ago.

But today’s kids no longer know how to write or is it a cliché? Here is the thought of our expert Giovanni Morello: “We should expose our students to a much greater extent, from an early age, to (challenging) tasks of reading and writing, understanding and reflection; activities that are not exclusive and which can therefore be connected not only to all those already planned (education, alternative expressions, projects, etc.), but also to all disciplines. Otherwise, the problem will perpetuate itself and in another 10 or 20 years we will find ourselves reading alarmist newspaper headlines accusing the unfortunate new generations of the moment… of not knowing more write”.

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