Breaking Dawn, All of Robert Pattinson’s Criticisms of Twilight

Ma a Robert Pattinson Twilight pleases? It is not clear. It could be assumed that it is, considering that the saga, which includes Twilight (2008), New Moon (2009), Eclipse (2010), Breaking Dawn – Parte 1 (2011) e Part 2 (2012), consecrated the actor, who has now set foot in independent and auteur cinema – and then he played Batman!

Some statements (semiseriesure) however they could make one think of the actor’s embarrassment in finding himself in the vampire’s shoes Edward Cullenin love with Bella Swan – Kristen Stewart. If you also consider yourself a hater of the film series based on Stephenie Meyer’s novels, try to challenge your beliefs: here’s why you hate Stephenie Meyer’s films Twilight it’s a thing of the past.

Eagle Pictures

But whose side is the male protagonist on? If you read this compilation of statements, it seems that the actor almost wants, but cannot, speak badly of the films of TwilightIt’s as if, with some prodding here and there, he tried to relieve the pressure of an outburst that he was unable to release openly.

Of course, this is just the writer’s impression. And let’s not forget that, in other places, Pattinson has also defended the franchise, claiming that “it’s not even cool to be a hater anymore” than Twilight“it’s like this 2010”.

But let’s start with the declarations:

  • Twilight is “a strange story” and it’s “strange the way people reacted” (Actors on Actors, Variety2019)
  • Edward and Bella “are very romantic, but at the same time they are not romantic like The pages of our life” which “is very, very sweet and heartbreaking.” Instead “Twilight It’s about a guy who finds the only girl he wants to be with and he also wants to eat her. Well, not eat her, but drink her blood, or whatever” (Variety, Actors on Actors2019).
  • “The people to whom (Twilighted.) those who don’t like it are generally people who haven’t seen it, and they are all people who judge (…) and cynical people. But I think I’m a judgmental and cynical person who he would hate it without thinking and without ever having seen it” (interview with Moviefone, taken from People in 2023).
  • At the time of filming, Pattinson would have entered into conflict with production for his constant attempts to make the film “as artistic as possible” (Robert Pattinson Breaks Down His Most Iconic Characters, GQ2022).
  • “If Edward wasn’t a fictional character and you met him in real life, he would probably be an axe murderer or something like that” (statement released to OK!UK magazine, and also reported by MTV e Vulture in 2009).
  • The more I read the script, the more I hated this man.”, said the actor speaking of Edward Cullen, who he said is an archetype of total perfection in every field. “So, that’s how I played him: as a manic-depressive who hates himself. Also, he’s a 108-year-old virgin, so obviously he has problems” (Empire2008).
  • Many things in the world of Twilight they don’t make sense. Why are they still in high school? They are 100 years old…” (interview with Chris Van Vliet, 2012).

ELSE YES Twilight

I watch movies and play video games, and at a certain point in my life I also started writing about them. I am fascinated by the remote corners of the internet, the graphics of the first 3D video games and the images that fall under the not at all defined umbrella of the term aesthetic, for which I carry out a compulsive cataloging activity that has as its point of arrival some Instagram profiles. The TV series with the best aesthetics (and the best one overall) is still X-Files, which I have never ended up not conceiving the thought “there are no other episodes of X-Files to watch for the rest of my life”. Same thing with Evangelion (the manga).

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