Never throw away the stones of this fruit: use them that way and your plants will thank you

Do you know that, if you want to give relief to your plants, you should never throw away the stone of this fruit? It will be very important!

Now we all own numerous plants of every species in our home or on our balcony. The spring ones that bloom wonderfully in this period, the evergreen ones even in winter, the fat ones, the tropical ones and so on. And each of them needs its own care and attention. In particular of water and natural fertilizer.

In this regard, let’s see together which is the fruit that, through its stone, can give relief to our plants. You will truly be amazed and will never miss it again!

The stone that you don’t have to throw away: the plants will thank you

Everydayas a snack or after lunch and dinner, we eat really delicious and juicy fruits which tend to brighten up our day, give us a greater supply of energy and lots of vitamins and which fill us up, avoiding the intake of junk food. But it happens that, not being edible, many stones of these fruits are thrown away and eliminated forever, making a big mistake.

An example is certainly that avocado stone. The latter has so many nutritional properties that it would be a real waste to throw it away. But how can it be very useful for our plants?

avocado pit plants
The avocado pit is perfect for plants (

Being rich in vitamins, magnesium and potassium, placed in the ground it certainly gives great relief to older plants and helps the younger ones to grow strong, lush and beautiful. But how do we put it into the ground? By following the following steps:

  • we put the avocado stone in a bowl full of water, until it is completely covered so that it softens completely;
  • at this point, when it is completely softened, we cut it into many small piecesalmost to crush it and we sprinkle it in our plants, all over the ground;
  • we add a little water to ensure that it penetrates the soil itself and that’s it.

The avocado pit, as we know, is very hard so don’t be in a hurry to break it immediately and at the same time as you eat the fruit. Be very patient as it softens and you will see that little by little it will become easily treatable. At this point, all you have to do is equip yourself with a mortar (or if you don’t have one at home, a food processor will do just fine) and break it into very small pieces, it must almost become dustso it will act sooner.

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