Italy 24 Press News

Marino Volleyball, the men’s Under 15 team is still among the top in Italy: fifth place in the national finals

Marino Volleyball, the men’s Under 15 team is still among the top in Italy: fifth place in the national finals

Marino (Rm) – After fourth place last year, the Marino Volleyball men’s Under 15 team has once again arrived among the top clubs in Italy. In the finals held in Schio (in the province of Vicenza) coach Stefano Vazzana’s boys, already fresh from winning the provincial and regional titles, took fifth place. “Compared to last year, as I had predicted, we found ourselves in a more complicated group. We won 3-0 in the first two matches played against Folgore Massa Sorrento and Sir Perugia, then in the last match of the group played on Friday evening against Padova we actually took first place and we lost 2-3, overcoming the initial deficit of two sets and then losing in the tie break 10-15. That defeat is the regret we will carry with us throughout this journey because it conditioned us in the quarter-final matchup: having finished second, we faced the Rosa Brugherio Devils on Saturday morning, a few hours after the tough match against Padova. Furthermore, they played a perfect match and then “paid” for the effort by losing the semi-final. At that point we made our way to fifth place by winning with a double 3-1 first against Bologna and then against Piacenza and in the end we achieved a great, but still gratifying, placing. The boys fought for every ball and I am convinced that this fifth place is not worth less than last year’s fourth.” Among other things, the Under 15 category is the “heart” of the youth sector of each club and Marino Pallavolo is now in its third consecutive year of participation in the national finals: “The club, the technical staff and the boys are doing an extraordinary job. We are at the level of the best clubs in Italy, we only need one last step to win a medal”. Vazzana concludes by talking about the commitments of the current Under 15s and then looks to the future. “Some boys are training with the Under 16 regional selection, then at least at the end of June we will do more training. Furthermore, for all selections (including women’s) there will be open days for those who want to come and try and get to know us. The future Under 15 group? This is an age group where there are many physical changes and a much faster technical absorption capacity than other categories. The various boys from 2010 who have already made this category this year, about half of the current squad, will remain in the group. They will be joined by interesting elements born in 2011 that can make a certain contribution to the future Under 15s.”

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