Lawyer Luigi Marfori in irreversible coma

Lawyer Luigi Marfori in irreversible coma
Lawyer Luigi Marfori in irreversible coma

FANO – Just when Fano volleyball, with Virtus, is starting to climb back to the top levels, celebrating its promotion to A2, a figure who more than any other has spread the passion for volleyball among young people and led the women’s team to compete with the big teams in the top A league is passing away. Louis Marfori he lies in a hospital bed in an irreversible coma.

The Stella Maris Accident

He felt unwell a few days ago while swimming in the pool at the Stella Maris campsite, where he had gone with his family to spend a few hours relaxing. Suddenly he felt unwell, began to swallow water and lost consciousness. Rescue was immediate. The people who were hanging around the pool and those who were in the water immediately noticed what was happening and intervened immediately. Luigi was pulled from the water and immediately subjected to cardiac massage and artificial respiration, a practice that continued for a long time, unfortunately without obtaining any results. The injured man was then transported by 118 to the Torrette di Ancona hospital, where the doctors’ response left little hope for the serious damage caused by the prolonged lack of oxygen to the brain. This does not mean that all possible and imaginable treatments were not immediately carried out to reactivate a stimulus of vitality, but at the moment no results have been obtained. The news of Luigi Marfori’s illness that appeared on social media has led to a long series of comments from people who wanted to rally around the family, communicating their solidarity, without abandoning a last hope entrusted to the strong fiber of Luigi who, despite having turned 83, looks much younger than his age.

A lawyer with a passion for sports, Luigi Marfori was president of the Panathlon Club of Fano for a long time. In 2019, he celebrated his golden wedding with Fipav at the Marche volleyball gala, a long love story that began 50 years earlier and has continued to this day. To celebrate the anniversary, the extraordinary commissioner Giuseppe Manfredi gave him a beautiful cup, with a thought engraved to motivate the well-deserved recognition: “To Marfori Luigi with esteem and gratitude for having contributed to the diffusion and valorization of the ideals of volleyball”. It was the 1960s, with friends Roberto Piergentili and Claudio Schermi.

He founded Juventina

Marfori founded the women’s section of Juventina, a team that was affiliated with Fipav, playing the first regional B series championship with four teams: in addition to Juventina, there were the girls from Pesaro, Ancona and San Benedetto del Tronto. Juventina won the tournament and from then on began a rise to the highest levels that under the name of Alma Juventus volleyball, either with home athletes or with the addition of some professionals, were reached year after year. Now in a virtual sports hall, just as the cry of “Forza Alma Juventus” once rose, a common incitement resounds and spreads throughout the city: “Forza Luigi, you have to do it!”.


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