Volleyball, three touches for peace: an unforgettable week – Newsbiella.it

Volleyball, three touches for peace: an unforgettable week – Newsbiella.it
Volleyball, three touches for peace: an unforgettable week – Newsbiella.it

The week of Tre tocchi per la pace, the project of SPB Monteleone Trasporti that brought 20 Ukrainian boys to Biella, has ended. The young guests are all Ukrainians from Poland, after fleeing their homeland because of the war; many of them no longer have a home in Ukraine.

They were fantastic days for all the SPB guys, who trained, ate and danced together with the guests. Three days of great technical quality, because the person in charge of the training was Massimo Eccheli, coach of Vero Volley Monza, a top-tier team in the Superleague.

Together with him, the entire staff of SPB Monteleone Trasporti coaches was busy with the Volley Camp. During the evenings, the entire Ukrainian group and the Biella boys were hosted in various events organized by: the Municipality of Gaglianico and the Feast of San Pietro, the Municipality of Lessona and the ARCI club of Lessona. The last evening was organized in conjunction with the SPB Monteleone Trasporti end-of-year party, at the M-App Hotel in Benna.

A huge thank you goes to Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Biella, Fondazione FILA Museum and Province of Biella for contributing to the realization of the entire project. And last but not least, a heartfelt thank you to all the families, SPB managers and kids who believed in this project and supported its success with their presence and commitment.

Good luck to all the Ukrainian guys who passed through Biella in this fantastic week. We hope to see you again soon!

c. s. SPB g. c.

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