The Mystery of Luciano Spalletti’s Mistakes

“I made a mistake”, Spalletti Luciano’s admission should award him the medal of merit for loyalty.

But the sentence is not complete, what kind of mistake or errors? On the call-up list? In physical preparation? In the chosen formations? In foreign exchange management? The mystery will never be solved, the responsibilities must always be distributed, the technical limits of the players were known, their precarious athletic condition was presumed, no one could have foreseen the total absence of competitive spirit, the apathy and bewilderment demonstrated in the four performances but the question arises spontaneously: is Spalletti the ideal technical commissioner of the national team? Does he have the necessary characteristics to manage the group in the short space of a tournament and not over a season as he was able to do in the club teams he managed? His commandments, his emphasis, his convoluted storytelling, his narration of the matches, do not represent the best for communication which is already complicated for the press, let alone for his Azzurri. This is certainly not why Italy was eliminated by Switzerland but the immediate sensation is that the team does not have a defined identity, not because the coach did not have the right time available but because the game plan is not clear , shiny, defined. Osvaldo Bagnoli said, football is simple but coaches make it complicated so let the full-back be a full-back, the midfielder be a midfielder and the attackers should think about scoring goals. Elementary, right? Instead, Spalletti, like some new football teachers, gets stuck on thoughts and words that are empty of substance, inflated mousses as in the sentence that the Tuscan himself pronounced immediately after the end of the match: «The second goal gave us a shot at the morality”.

Perhaps he meant morale, tension lends itself to errors in Italian, a bit like the noun that circulates in any of his and the federal president’s speeches: “project”. Whose? About what? It serves propaganda, it means everything and nothing. Today it is nothing. Unfortunately it repeats itself.

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