all the men of coach Parisi – Women’s Serie A Volleyball League

all the men of coach Parisi – Women’s Serie A Volleyball League
all the men of coach Parisi – Women’s Serie A Volleyball League

Marcello Cervellin, second coach. Luca Rossiniathletic trainer and technical assistant. Gianni Bonacinatechnical collaborator. Elia Laisematch analyst. Alessandro Bianciardiscoutman. Ludovico Carminati, team manager. Here is Carlo’s team Parisi.

Bergamo’s new Technical Staff will be made up of assistant coach Marcello Cervellin, arriving from Florence, while trainer Luca Rossini will arrive from Rome. The latest new face from Casalmaggiore: the numbers man, Alessandro Bianciardi.

Three confirmations: Gianni Bonacina, Elia Laise and Ludovico Carminati. Who will put their experience at the service of Carlo Parisi to go and design, together with the new arrivals, a valuable Technical Staff, expert, but with a great desire to get back into the game.

On the rossoblù bench, Parisi will therefore find Marcello at his side Cervellin: “I met him two years ago on the bench of Il Bisonte and in these seasons with him I realized that he is one of the nicest people I have met in the world of volleyball. It is not at all difficult to get along with him.

When he asked me to follow him, it seemed natural to accept. I’m leaving Florence, which was an important part of my life, but I’m ready for a new love and for a stimulating project like the one we’re going to start together in Bergamo.

We will have a group of extremely interesting girls, a mix of experience and exuberance with the presence of very talented young people.

It won’t be difficult to adapt to the new environment, because this club exudes volleyball history and we will be surrounded by experienced managers.”

Luca Rossini he will instead have the dual role of athletic trainer and technical assistant: “I started as a player and when my career on the field ended I moved to the bench – tells – I started studying and stayed in the volleyball world as a coach. Having a past as a player helps me understand when it’s time to push harder and when less, not only from the workload point of view but also from the mental one.

In Bergamo I believe there is the possibility of creating, over time, something important: this is a multi-year project that allows us to start from scratch, shaping and creating our own path. It is stimulating”.

The scoutman will be Alessandro Bianciardi: “It’s an important opportunity for me – he admits – I know some of the staff that I will find here and collaborating with them will be an honor. I will be available to Parisi to prepare the study of the matches and to provide the staff with live statistics during the matches.

I am an electronic engineer and I have always felt comfortable with numbers, statistics and computers, adapting my skills to the world of volleyball”.

Trainer Carlo PARISI
Second Coach Marcello CERVELLIN
Athletic Trainer and Technical Assistant Luca ROSSINI
Technical assistant Gianni BONACINA
Match Analyst Elia LAISE
Scoutman Alessandro BIANCIARDI
Team Manager Louis CARMINATI
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