“We no longer know where he is”

Former British cycling champion Bradley Wiggins disappeared the day after he was declared bankrupt by the Lancaster court, owing over a million euros in debt. All his assets were confiscated, including his house, trophies and medals. “He has absolutely nothing left” declared his lawyer, “nobody knows where he lives or sleeps anymore”

Nobody knows where he is anymore Bradley Wiggins: The former British cycling star who was recently declared bankrupt by the Lancaster Court, has suddenly passed away. He no longer has a home, an address, a place to live and sleep. His lawyer, who lost track of him, raised the alarm: “He’s homeless, he doesn’t have a penny left and no one knows where he is now.”

There seems to be no peace for Wiggins who will now have to face the hardest part of his economic failure which left him broke. Up to his neck in debt, with over a million euros to repay to various creditors, the former five-time Olympic medalist literally vanished without leaving any traces or warnings not even to his lawyer who has always been trying to defend him in every way. The former cyclist has nothing left: after the court ruling, all his assets were confiscated, including his houseto try to collect the sum of the debt, in any way, including by auctioning off sports memorabilia and his five medals won at the Games.

Wiggins’ lawyer is desperate: “He doesn’t have a cent, we no longer know where he is”

The alarm was raised by Bradley Wiggins’ lawyer, Alan Sellers, who lost track of his client over the weekend. “It’s a mess. He lost everything, absolutely everything.” explained the lawyer, underlining the desperate situation of the former English champion. “His house, his residence in Mallorca, his savings and investments… He doesn’t have a penny left. I don’t know where he slept until today and I don’t know where he will sleep tonight or tomorrow. She has no address: he is truly homeless“.

Bradley Wiggins forced to auction 5 Olympic medals: “A lot of s**t on me”

Wiggins declared bankrupt: the beginning of the end for the former champion

Just over a week ago, ‘Wiggo’ he had been declared bankrupt by the Lancaster District Court. They were bankruptcy trustees were also appointed to seize and sell his assets, in an attempt to repay, at least in part, his enormous debt. His ex-wife Catherin is also among the more than 20 creditorsfrom whom he had a stormy divorce in 2020, and with whom he has two children.

The financial problems and abuse suffered by Bradley Wiggins

Bradley Wiggins’ financial problems are nothing new. They date back to several years ago but it was precisely in November last year that everything got worse: Wiggins had not yet repaid any of the debts for a total of 1.15 million euros, through his company, the Wiggins Rights Limited. Wiggins has always stated that the problems arose due to the mismanagement of third parties, the administrators of his assets without his complete knowledge but this did not save him from creditors.

An immense champion on his bike, with five medals at the Games which make him today the most successful British cyclist of all time, Wiggins also lived a tormented childhood with the violence he suffered when he was only 13 years old at the hands of his stepfather. A nightmare that the 44-year-old has never fully overcome, even by his own admission: “I never got over it completely, I tried to forget but I never succeeded” he had said on several occasions. “And I have always carried all this with me and it has influenced me even in adulthood.”

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