Dalila Marchesini will play with Esperia Cremona – iVolley Magazine

Dalila Marchesini will play with Esperia Cremona – iVolley Magazine
Dalila Marchesini will play with Esperia Cremona – iVolley Magazine

The Esperia Cremona roster is taking more and more shape. Dalila Marchesini, fresh Italian champion with the Imoco San Donà under 18 team, is arriving for Marco Zanelli’s team, alongside Gaia Zorzetto with whom she will also share the next season on the banks of the Po.

Dalila’s career is taking off, but at the same time she already boasts important results. “My best volleyball memories are undoubtedly the victory of the first under 18 championship in 2023 and the second most recent one in 2024 with Imoco, as well as the gold medal at the under 17 European Championships in 2022 with the Italian national team”.

“The contact with Esperia occurred through my agent and some posts from slightly older players, who I knew through the national team – continues Dalila -. I chose Cremona as my very first experience in Serie A, with the aim of growing and overcoming my limits, hoping to repay the trust given to me by contributing to the team. Being young and starting out, I aim to absorb as much as possible from the more experienced teammates and at the same time find new stimuli in a competitive championship like that of the A2″.

Photo by Maurizio Molaschi

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