Breaking news, bad motorbike accident for the beautiful actress: fans anxious

Breaking news, bad motorbike accident for the beautiful actress: fans anxious
Breaking news, bad motorbike accident for the beautiful actress: fans anxious

A beautiful actress was the victim of a terrible motorbike accident, those who love her and follow her in her work cannot help but be anxious.

Being informed about what happens in the personal life of a person you particularly admire for their career can be normal, not only regarding professional news, but also for what happens in private life.

Fortunately, thanks to social media, which practically everyone now has even if some do not use them with the same periodicity, achieving this goal can be simpler, so as to reduce the distances that can be felt with a “VIP”.

Motorcycle accident, image as an example | Canva –

It is therefore more than natural to be fond of someone even if you have only had the opportunity to see them on TV. And this is why there can only be great concern for the fans of a well-known actress who was recently involved in a bad motorbike accident. , as she herself communicated.

An actress had a motorbike accident: here’s how she is

But who is the beautiful actress who had a bad motorbike accident? The reference is to Nina Dobrev, who chose to make the incident known through her Instagram profile, where there are many fans who follow her and are interested in knowing what happens to her (she has over 26 thousand followers on her Instagram profile alone).

She herself spoke about it, with a post in which we see her first riding a motorbike and then in a hospital bed, clear sign of what may have been the cause that led her to be hospitalized. “How it started and how it ended“, she wrote accompanying the images, a clear sign of how she has not lost the irony despite the unfortunate circumstance.

Nina Dobrev before and after the motorcycle accident – ​​Instagram photo @nina –

The protagonist of “The Vampire Diaries” did not want to go into details and reveal what happened, but in all likelihood she seems to be fell and landed on the ground accidentallyas can often happen to a centaur even just because of a wrong movement or a pothole found in the road.

As it was easy to imagine, after this post, many were worried about her condition and wrote her a message to find out where she was in pain. Subsequently, she herself wanted to reassure everyone, underlining that “rehabilitation will be long, but I’m fine“, he said showing a brace present on his left knee. Certainly this bad setback shouldn’t cause her problems to the point of completely giving up her love for two wheels.

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