Rugby Serie A Elite – Bernini and the heroes of 2002: “Come on Viadana, it’s time to rewrite history”

VIADANA It was May 18, 2002 when, in Rovigo, Arix Viadana won its first and only championship by beating Calvisano in the final, 19 to 12. Leading that team, which remained in the history of Mantua sport, was Franco Bernini, while on the pitch was Victor Jimenez, now assistant to coach Marcato in Petrarca Padova, the yellow and blacks’ opponent in the final scheduled for Sunday 2 June at the Lanfranchi stadium in Parma . 22 years have passed since that historic triumph and the yellow-black club subsequently played in three more finals, but was no longer able to bring the Italian title to the banks of the Po. It’s time to update the story. «It would be wonderful – says the leader of the legendary 2002 team – many years have passed, but those emotions remain etched in the memories of all of us. Time passes, but they don’t run out. It was an unforgettable experience. It would be fantastic if Viadana won their second scudetto, I will be cheering a lot.” «But be careful of Petrarca – warns Bernini – they are an experienced team, more used to playing these one-off matches». The final will be played at the home of Bernini, a true Parma native, today the “guardian” of the Moletolo fields. Recalling the triumphant ride of 2002, his voice breaks with emotion. «In the final in Rovigo against Calvisano – recalls the coach – there were many Viadana fans, it was played in a beautiful environment. And that victory was the culmination of an extraordinary journey. But the real final, if we want to say so, was the previous match against Benetton Treviso. Then the semi-final was played home and away: we lost the first in Veneto, 29-6, but then we were fantastic at reversing the situation by winning 31-14 at Zaffanella. That was a legendary feat.”
“His” Arix Viadana, as we said, has rightfully entered the history of Mantua sport. According to Bernini, can this revive its glories? «I have seen the team in action several times this year – replies Franco – I believe it is the one that has expressed the best rugby in the championship. He has a quality group, well led by the technical staff. In my career I have had the pleasure of coaching Gilberto Pavan, he is very prepared. Having fun and entertaining is his philosophy, which has also proven to be successful. Now there is the last obstacle, the final against Petrarca, which certainly needs no introduction. In a dry race anything can happen. And in any case, if it really wasn’t understood, I’ll be rooting for Viadana.”

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