Nunzio and Rossella experience an intimate moment


Six months after Rossella’s failed wedding, her relationship with Nunzio has taken a back seat. Despite some sporadic rapprochement, their paths now seemed separated. However, for fans of the couple, there is news on the way.

In the episodes of A place in the sunbroadcast from 7 to 11 October, Nunzio and Rossella will once again experience moments of romantic closeness. Furthermore, the verdict of the trial and the name of Ferri’s attacker will finally be revealed. On the lighter plot front, we will see the return of Cerruti and a nice “argument” between Camillo and Jimmy.

Nunzio and Rossella get closer again

In the next episodes, Nunzio and Rossella will get “dangerously” close. It is not clear whether the two will limit themselves to a kiss or go further, but, in any case, their paths will separate again soon after, at least for the moment.

Nunzio will thus return with Diana, but the relationship between the two will be increasingly tense, while Rossella will find herself having to face a rather inconvenient situation.

Many spectators were struck by the ambiguous attitude of the head physician Daniele Fusco towards Rossella. The contact on the shoulder with the young resident was deemed, to say the least, out of place. Well be careful, because the advances seem destined to continue, and this time Rossella could give in.

The storylines of the attack and the trial near their conclusion

The long-awaited verdict on little Tommy’s custody will arrive on Wednesday }); 9 October. It is difficult to predict what the outcome will be, but without Lara’s testimony, the position of the child’s real mother has become even more complicated. Be careful because an important news is expected for Ida, not linked to the trial.

The name of the attacker is also expected to be revealed on the same day. At the moment, the accusations against Ida, Magda and Marina are losing steam, while the focus is now shifting to Lara and Sister Maura. In particular, the latter became the main suspect after it emerged that she was at the scene of the attack that night.

It is clear that Sister Maura is hiding something, but it remains to be clarified what her real involvement is. There are those who suspect that Lara may have been the perpetrator of the attack and that Sister Maura covered it up. However, there is not yet enough evidence to say this with certainty.

Cerruti helps Mariella, Camillo doesn’t trust Jimmy

In the next episodes of A Place in the Sun, Salvatore will return after a few weeks of absence. As expected, Cerry will help Mariella react and move on. Furthermore, the policeman will have an enlightening discussion with Michele, which will lead him to understand what he really wants.

Camillo will observe Jimmy’s attitude with growing distrust. The boy will notice that little Poggi relates to him in a strange way and will be convinced that his friend is only using him to exploit him


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