How crazy the “Salis theorem” is, warn Elly Schlein and Ursula: so, today…

How crazy the “Salis theorem” is, warn Elly Schlein and Ursula: so, today…
How crazy the “Salis theorem” is, warn Elly Schlein and Ursula: so, today…

– Oh, anyway Will be Funaro she is “the first mayor of Florence”, but it doesn’t seem like a national revolution to me. There have already been other first female citizens in Italy, one lady leads the Democratic Party and another the country. Applause for everyone, but even less.

– The centre-right loses in the capitals and in some cities due to the “fault” of the ballot. The reason is simple: when in the second round we show up armed against each other, it is easy for far-left voters to hold their noses and prefer a Democratic mayor to a right-wing one. But be careful about getting your hands on the mayoral election. Because it is one of the few Italian laws made with a minimum of salt grain (not in Ilaria’s sense) and one of the few who, at least, gives us a winner when the polls close.

– The victory of the centre-left in this round of run-offs it is indisputable, let’s be clear, but Elly Schlein he makes a mistake when he states that it is “a message from the cities to the government”. And for two reasons. First: three cities making noise (Florence, Bari, Perugia) are all historically left-wing, apart from two centre-right mandates in Perugia which were an exception in a red fort. Second: votes for mayor are almost always votes for candidates rather than for parties. If “the cities reject the government” this does not mean that it is the general feeling of the nation, which is actually made up of towns, hamlets and bell towers. So Elly is right to rejoice, but without exaggerating. Because he enjoys many mayors of his own in the big cities, he does not rightfully transform the Democratic Party into the party that should lead the country.

Emmanuel Macron he is in cosmic trouble. And this can be understood from the fact that, rather than responding to the proposals of Jordan Bardella and of Marine The Pen, bets everything on anti-right resistance. “Extremists”, he claims, lead to “civil war”. The tenant of the Elysée learns the lesson from the Democratic Party: demonizing the opponent does not always work. The days of Chirac and anti-extremist barricades are over.

Bardella announces sensational school reforms: the return to “you” for teachers and the same uniform for everyone. It pains me not to have similar proposals in Italy too, because I would be really curious to see students show some respect to teachers but above all it would be interesting to understand the teachers’ reaction. Especially those that “kids must be understood”. Even when they stab a teacher.

Ilaria Salis he meets the journalist who interviews him “in an apartment in Milan, made available by a friend of his”. Republic He is keen to let it be known that he has not occupied it. Who knows why.

– Here is the demonstration of how dirigiste initiatives by supranational institutions end up weighing on people’s pockets. Bare summary: the EU forces airlines to reduce their environmental impact and submit to an avalanche of new green rules. And what do they do? Do you think they adapt by taking on all the honor? Like hell: they raise the price of tickets. The first ad does Lufthansa, which from tomorrow will charge flights from 1 to 72 euros to support green costs, but others will come in the future. Meanwhile, those who want to pay less will try to stop elsewhere, rather than in Europe, and around the world planes will continue to pollute as before. Making Lufthansa’s effort and the Europeans’ monetary sacrifice completely useless. Thank you, Brussels.

Andrew Belotti he was sold by Roma to Como, after having left little or nothing in the capital other than 10 goals in 68 appearances. This is not surprising, given that the parable of the “Rooster” as a bomber has long since died out. The words of Fabregas, Como’s coach, are rather surprising: “We know that he has the ability to be a formidable goalscorer.” Once upon a time, maybe. But now… We would be happy for him to change his mind.

– He announced, he announced. Someone let me know Elly Schlein and to the left in general that the president of the German states, as well as governor of Hesse, said that Germany should externalize the problem of irregular migrants by looking closely at models “like the one between Italy And Albania”. “An expert report on asylum procedures in third countries shows us that these procedures are compatible with the German Basic Law, the Geneva Convention on Refugees and Human Rights. Now it’s about concrete models”, Rhein said, “I therefore believe it is important to look carefully at other models, such as the one between Italy and Albania. Everything that is legally possible must also be implemented in Germany”. So, just to say that perhaps trusting Republic and defeatism is certainly good. But not trusting is better.

– In an interview given to Tg3, in the face of Telemeloni, Ilaria Salis he claims that the “housing movements” do not take “anything away from anyone” but “try to solve a problem in other ways that the institutions do not solve”. So, dear Ilaria, we need to clarify a concept here. Simple simple. Robin Hood is half a legend, and as such cannot be literally translated into reality: even if moved by the laudable principle of ensuring everyone “a roof to live under”, occupying a public or private property was, is and hopefully will remain illegal. A crime, a hateful one at that. It is in fact legitimate to criticize the inefficiency of a system which, throughout Italy, not just in Lombardy, finds itself with thousands of vacant homes – without having the money to renovate them – compared to thousands of families on the waiting list. But criticism can never turn into illegal action. The citizen cannot “solve a problem that the institutions do not solve with other methods”, or rather: he cannot do it by violating the law. Also because the “Salis theorem” would be easily applicable to many other situations: it is ignoble that waiting lists in hospitals are so long, but to date this does not authorize anyone to occupy an operating theater to skip the queue or to evade taxes to pay a private doctor out of pocket . Otherwise the risk is that one fine day some poor soul will wake up and, seeing Ilaria Salis withdraw part of her generous parliamentarian’s salary from the ATM, attack her, steal the money and claim responsibility for the robbery by claiming that her intent was to “solve with other methods a problem that the institutions do not solve”, that is, poverty in the world (his own or that of others). The truth, dear Ilaria, is that theft – of a wallet or a property – is always a crime. Whatever the ideology that drives the housing movements.

– He says Elly Schlein: “We need a great national plan for housing that hasn’t been seen in this country since the Fanfani government”. In fact, since Fanfani, the following have governed: Prodi, D’Alema, Amato, Prodi again, Letta, Renzi, Gentiloni and even Conte (current ally of Elly). Question: why not think about it before?

– It seems that the negotiators of the EPP, Socialists and Liberals have found an agreement for the European government. The Commission would remain Ursula von of Leyen, the socialist Costa would go to the council and the liberal Kallas would go to the foreign office. The trio will be voted on Thursday at the EU Council, and passage is not a given. But above all it will then have to pass through the gauntlet of the EU Parliament. One thing is certain: socialists, popular and liberals, with this agreement which does not change the European structure one iota, demonstrate that they have not understood the wind of change which, whether you like it or not, is blowing across the Old Continent. And which asked for renewals, not the usual division with the scale.

– It seems that Ursula wants to ask Georgie Melons the support to obtain the votes she needs in Parliament, perhaps in exchange for a powerful commissioner and the vice presidency. The problem is that it seems that Ursula has had the green light to negotiate with her as long as she speaks to us “as prime minister and not as leader of the Brothers of Italy”. In summary: no parliamentary agreement with the ECR, but perhaps yes with Italy in the Council. The point is that Ursula also needs parliamentary votes, not just those of the heads of state and government: if the pact with Meloni is there, then the FdI deputies will also follow their leader. Such a distinction (I give the green light, but I don’t vote for it) is a subtlety that voters would not be able to understand.

– Russia closes the broadcasts on its territory of La7, Rai, Repubblica and La Stampa. I can already look forward to tomorrow’s comments.

But I would remind you gentlemen not to get too indignant: the EU banned Russian information sites immediately after the invasion of Ukraine. Given the support we give to Kiev, the least we could expect was some reciprocity in sanctions measures.

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