Fabio Maria Damato separates from Chiara Ferragni, the manager hated by Fedez is out. He protests: “I wasn’t fired, I left”

Fabio Maria Damato separates from Chiara Ferragni, the manager hated by Fedez is out. He protests: “I wasn’t fired, I left”
Fabio Maria Damato separates from Chiara Ferragni, the manager hated by Fedez is out. He protests: “I wasn’t fired, I left”

Fabio Maria Damato, manager of Chiara Ferragni’s group and her very close collaborator, was shown the door. The influencer’s companies, Fenice and Tbs Crew, explain in a statement that «starting from 16 June 2024, Fabio Maria Damato will cease from the role of general manager and advisor of both companies to pursue other professional opportunities. In the note, Chiara Ferragni’s companies explain that the exit of Damato – under investigation for the Balocco case – is a “change that is part of a process of corporate renewal”. Only yesterday 12 June, sources cited by the Messaggero had revealed the ongoing reorganization of the management of Fenice, which manages the licenses for the entrepreneur’s brand. Alchimia, the main shareholder with 40%, had seconded its own manager, Lorenzo Castelli, an expert in the commercial field, who would therefore take care of the Ferragni brand. Castelli would therefore work alongside Alessandro Marina, a consultant who Ferragni had hired to strengthen commercial relations.

Damato’s clarification

More than a dismissal, Damato is keen to clarify on social media that his choice was a voluntary one: «In these difficult months I have never responded to provocations or incorrect information circulated about me, because as an employee I believed it was not correct, given the respect for people, hierarchies and the companies I worked for. But today – says the manager – it is also appropriate to rectify that my exit was an autonomous and voluntary choice, and not, as announced by the company, that “the change is part of a process of corporate renewal”.

Fedez’s accusations against Damato

Before the Balocco case and the alleged charity at the Regina Margherita in Turin broke out, Damato had had a very rapid career within the Ferragni group. To the point of assuming a central role in the management of companies. Too much, according to the barbs thrown by Fedez after the separation with Ferragni. According to the rumors that emerged during the couple’s separation, Damato would have been the subject of heavy arguments that would have weighed on the breakup. During the interview with Belve, the rapper targeted the manager, although he did not mention him. Regarding the controversy following the Balocco case, Fedez had complained about the poor management of the crisis, for errors that could not be attributed to Ferragni.

Who is Damato and how did he meet Ferragni

Apulian, originally from Barletta, Damato studied Business Economics at Bocconi University in Milan. When he met Chiara Ferragni, who was “still in her early stages” at the time, he was actually working as a journalist. A job, he explained in a Ted Talk, that “frustrated him terribly”, with his colleagues advising him “not to mix with bloggers”. Ferragni’s entry into the entrepreneurial galaxy arrived in 2017, with Damato forging ahead and becoming one of the central figures of the industry in just a few years. management of the influencer. “Together we decided to make noise, we kicked out those who didn’t believe in us,” said Damato. Over the years, the Apulian manager has also become very well known to Ferragni’s millions of followers, who he was also close to in the making of the documentary «Chiara Ferragni Unposted».

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