Strange spots appeared on Mars, they look like spiders: what they really are

Europe’s Mars Express probe recently captured images of strange dark spots on the surface of Mars. What is it about?

Strange stains (web source) –

Some have been captured Images with the European probe Mars Express on the surface of Mars. Such images quickly fueled the imagination of the people of web thus leading some to hypothesize the presence of space spiders on the red planet.

But what is it really about? What are these strange stains on the surface of Mars? Let’s find out together…

The photographs that were taken by the probe Mars Express have sparked the fantasies of millions of people from all over the world, making people think of a sort of colony giant spiders who lives on Mars.

At first glance, these dark spots they might actually look like gods arachnids aliens which are located in a mysterious area of ​​the red planet, called the Inca city.

This hypothesis seems to be perfect for a science fiction filmin fact the speculations have increased further since web users have been talking about giant alien spiders.

The official explanation, what are these strange spots on Mars?

L’European Space Agencyor the ESA, she was very clear about the reality of the facts. The dark spots present on Mars they are not living creatures as some hypothesize, but simply a natural phenomenon that is linked to the seasonal activity of the red planet, i.e Mars.

Mars with dark spots (web source) –

It’s about geysers Of carbon dioxide which is trapped in the ice. So, during the winter of Mars, carbon dioxide tends to freeze on the surface of the entire planet.

When the season arrives spring, the sun’s rays heat the ice that formed previously, sublimating the carbon dioxide that had remained trapped.

This increase in pressure under the ice that has formed can become so strong that the ice sheets fracture, allowing carbon dioxide to escape violently in the form of geysers.

It is therefore not a question of giant alien spiders as many on the web believed, but these are the ones geysers which can spray dark material, consisting mainly of CO2, at very great heights.

It is precisely this material that, falling on the surface, creates the dark spots who may seem like gods giant spiders.

Strange spots on Mars
Strange spots on Mars (web source) –

These stains on Mars so while they are spectacular and may resemble spiders, they are simply the result of a natural process which is linked to the seasonal variations of the red planet.

True, their shape and distribution on the planet can easily deceive the human eye, but rest assured… There is nothing extraterrestrial or mysterious behind them!

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