Nazia Shaheen found in Pakistan

Nazia Shaheen found in Pakistan
Nazia Shaheen found in Pakistan

Nazia Shaheen, the mother of Saman Abbas, sentenced to life imprisonment in Italy, was arrested in Pakistan. She had been on the run since the day her daughter disappeared. According to her judges, she may have been the one who physically killed her daughter.

Saman Abbas and his mother

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Was arrested in Pakistan Nazia Shaheen, Saman Abbas’ mother, sentenced in Italy to life imprisonment for her murder. The 51-year-old woman was the only one of the people accused of the murder of the eighteen-year-old killed in Novellara who was still at large. Last December she, together with her husband, was sentenced to life imprisonment by the Assize Court of Reggio Emilia.

Saman’s mother had been on the run since May 1, 2021, the day she returned home from Novellara, together with her husband, after the murder of her daughter in the province of Reggio Emilia. There was an international arrest warrant on her.

As far as we know, the woman was found in a village on the border with Kashmiras part of the investigative activities carried out in collaboration with Interpol and the Pakistani Federal Police.

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An image of Saman in Novellara

Saman Abbas, 18, was killed on the night between 30 April and 1 May 2021 in Novellara, where his parents, younger brother and other family members also lived. The day after her crime Nazia Shaheen and her husband Shabbar Abbas had taken a plane from Milan Malpensa to return to their homeland. Saman’s father, a few months after the crime, was identified in Pakistanarrested and extradited to Italy, where he took part in the trial celebrated in Reggio Emilia; the mother, however, had escaped capture. But the chief prosecutor of Reggio Emilia Gaetano Paci never stopped looking for her, maintaining constant contacts with Interpol and through it with the Pakistani authorities. And now she has finally been found.

Nazia Shaeem will now appear before judges in Islamabad to begin the extradition process. For her husband, the procedures had lasted a few months, with continuous postponements of the hearings, but this time it involves extraditing a person already judged by a court for having killed her daughter.

Recently the judges of the Court of Assizes of Reggio Emilia published the reasons for the sentence for the murder of Saman Abbas, underlining that it cannot be ruled out that his mother was the actual perpetrator. And believing that the eighteen-year-old would not have been killed because of her refusal to the wedding arranged by her family.

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