Beating of Davide Ferrerio, eight-year sentence for the instigator: the crime reclassified from attempted murder to injury

Beating of Davide Ferrerio, eight-year sentence for the instigator: the crime reclassified from attempted murder to injury
Beating of Davide Ferrerio, eight-year sentence for the instigator: the crime reclassified from attempted murder to injury

Anna Perugino was sentenced to eight years in prison, believed to be the instigator of the beating of Davide Ferrerio, the 22-year-old from Bologna who was beaten to death on 11 August 2022 in the center of Crotone – where he was on holiday – due to an exchange of person and reduced to an irreversible coma. The City Court […]




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She was sentenced to eight years of imprisonment Anna Peruginoconsidered theinstigator of the beating of Davide Ferreriothe 22 year old from Bologna beaten to death on 11 August 2022 in the center of Crotone – where he was on holiday – because of one exchange of person and reduced to an irreversible coma. The Court of the Calabrian city did not accept the request of the prosecution, represented by the prosecutor Pasquale Festa, to sentence the accused to 12 years for anomalous competition in attempted murderbut reclassified the crime as anomalous complicity in very serious injuries. A decision that may also have repercussions in the appeal process underway against Nicolò Passalacqua, the material perpetrator of the attack, sentenced to twenty years with the abbreviated sentence for attempted murder. The requalification of the crime is probably due to the outcome of a expertise ex officio ordered by the Court, in which it is claimed that the brain damage suffered by Ferrerio was not caused by the punch inflicted by Passalacqua, but by theimpact of the young man on the asphalt.

The punitive expedition of which Ferrerio was the victim was aimed at a man who annoyed Perugino’s daughter, Martina (at the time a minor, sentenced to two years and six months with probation) on social media, organized according to the accusation by the same woman together with his partner Andrei Gaiu, acquitted for not having committed the crime. The young man from Bologna, who happened to pass through that area, was mistaken for the suitor and attacked by Passalacqua. The Court rejected the request for compensation for damages advanced by the Municipality of Bologna, while it recognized that for the other civil parties constituted, to be settled separately. Perugino was sentenced to pay compensation 500 thousand euros for Davide Ferrerio, by 150 thousand euros for the boy’s family members, ten thousand euros for the Municipality and Province of Crotone. “The life taken of a boy is paid less than other less alarming crimes. I’m baffled, embittered and offended from this sentence”, comments the lawyer of the victim’s family.

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