Gladiator 2: the first official images and a bunch of details on the blockbuster! | Cinema

Gladiator 2: the first official images and a bunch of details on the blockbuster! | Cinema
Gladiator 2: the first official images and a bunch of details on the blockbuster! | Cinema

It is Vanity Fair that reveals a first look at Gladiator 2 and lots of new details on Ridley Scott’s film with Paul Mescal.

Here is some of the information published in the magazine together with the new images showing the first scenes of the long-awaited blockbuster:

  • The central character played by Mescal is Lucius, last seen as the young son of Lucilla, the noblewoman played by Connie Nielsen in the original film. Nielsen also returns in the sequel, playing one of the few real characters in the film’s otherwise fictional plot: the daughter of the late Emperor Marcus Aurelius. In the real story, Lucilla was a fiery revolutionary who despaired of the direction Rome took her after the death of her father. In Gladiator 2, decades have passed and Lucius has grown up far from his mother. When he was still a child, Lucilla sent him to the northern coast of Africa, to a region called Numidia which at that time was just out of reach of the Roman Empire. She never fully understood why, and as she grew stronger, so did his resentment — even though her reasons as a mother were pure.
  • At the beginning of the film, Lucius of Mescal has a wife and son, and he lives a relatively peaceful life with them until the conquerors of his homeland begin to invade. “He’s put down roots in a coastal city in Numidia. He’s a blue-eyed, pale-skinned, red-haired man, and he couldn’t be more different from the people,” Scott says. “He’s one of the last surviving civilizations, as the Romans begin to descend upon North Africa and conquer it all.”
  • Leading that charge is Marcus Acacius of Pedro Pascal, a Roman general who is said to have received training as a junior officer under Crowe’s character, although he was not seen in the first film. This is one of the threads the filmmakers created to connect the sequel to Maximus.
  • Lucius, once the nephew of the emperor of Rome, finds himself a prisoner of it. This leads to a twist that the director is willing to reveal now: “The twist is that, when he arrives in Rome as a prisoner and faces his first fight in the arena, he sees his mother — much to her amazement. He doesn’t know if she is alive or dead. How would he know? There are no phones. There is no press. And there, in the royal box, he sees his mother looking in great shape after 20 years. And it is she together with the general with whom he had clashed in Numidia.” Lucilla does not recognize the battered creature in the arena as her son, and she has no idea of ​​the bloody history between him and the man she loves. In the end Lucius and Acacius cross swords again…
  • Denzel Washington plays a handsome man of power named Macrinus. “Denzel is an arms dealer who supplies food to armies in Europe, supplies wine and oil, makes steel, spears, guns, cannons and catapults. So he’s a very rich man. Instead of having a stable of racehorses, he has a stable of gladiators,” Scott says. “He’s gorgeous. He drives a gold Ferrari. I got him a gold chariot.”
  • Fred Hechinger is Emperor Caracalla and Joseph Quinn he is Emperor Geta. Scott says they threaten Lucilla’s well-being as a means to control Acacius. “They’re using her as a kind of leverage if necessary,” the director says. The two represent the decadence of Rome.

Here are the pictures:

The film will be in theaters starting November 22, 2024.

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