What’s Riley’s secret in Inside Out 2? What the sequel reveals to us

What’s Riley’s secret in Inside Out 2? What the sequel reveals to us
What’s Riley’s secret in Inside Out 2? What the sequel reveals to us

Inside Out 2 conquers the Italian box office and the hearts of the public who once again appreciated Disney’s journey through emotions. But does getting a glimpse into Riley’s mind still keep us from finding out what his secrets are?

Not really or rather just stay seated until the end credits end. And if you were in a hurry to get up from your cinema seat, we’ll take care of revealing Riley’s famous secret that we learn about at the beginning of Inside Out 2.

The post-credit scene sees Gioia return to Riley’s vault of secrets, preparing the audience for what appears to be a big revelation about the relationship between the young woman and Val. Yet most audiences were disappointed to discover that it was simply a hole in the carpet: This is Riley’s dark secret. Since the post credit scene went viral on social media, the theory has been circulating that the hole in the carpet alludes to the possibility that Riley, as often happens among teenagers, tried to smoke and that in the attempt some ash fell on her which therefore punctured the carpet. rug. With this “revelation” Inside Out distances itself from the queer element that seems to surround Riley throughout the film: the desire to be liked, to get closer and be noticed by Val has been interpreted by many as a clear sign of the protagonist’s romantic development. However, Riley is still very young and the decision not to deal with her love interests may have been made by Disney to underline the character’s lack of maturity.

We just have to wait for Inside Out 3 to find out if the fans’ sixth sense was right.

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