Spy x Family Code White, because we loved it

After a successful start – a perfect taste for those who don’t know the series, therefore full of witty gags, heartening family interactions and a recognizable and particular atmosphere – and a somewhat weak central part, the last third of Spy x Family Code: White it is, literally, a bomb. Visually impeccable (it is animated by Wit Studio of Attack on Titan and from CloverWorks by The Elusive Samurai) the final part, set in the skies and, is a jewel of action, including chases, explosions, fires, shootouts and martial arts fights. Yor shows off her skills in a duel to the death in which she, ruthless and lethal, seems like a cross between Chun Li, Michelle Yeoh and TV’s Nikita. The aerial sequences are worthy Red pig and it would be enough for someone to shout “Better a pig than a fascist!” to do Spy a perfect homage to Miyazaki’s anti-militarist masterpiece. Speaking of antimilitarism, another one merit Of Spy X Family, perhaps the greatest, can be found in his educational merits, in his expression of values which translate into the ability to address chilling issues such as war, fanaticism, dictatorship, discrimination, paranoia and violence by addressing adults and children together. Teaching with grace, truth and sensitivity that these horrors are worth fighting against.

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