Italy 24 Press News

Calabria first region in Italy in the modernization of oil mills

by Patrizia Massara Di Nallo

CALABRIA – Calabria is the first region in Italy to launch investments aimed at modernizing oil mills thanks to the resources of the Pnrr. This is confirmed by the publication, on the institutional portal (Agriculture Department section) of the final ranking of the call (published at the end of 2023), aimed at supporting the olive oil supply chain, which due to its identity vocation and economic and environmental value has always been essential for the growth of the region.

In fact, Calabrian olive growing, characterized by the presence of more than 100 different varieties grown on over 24% of the total agricultural surface area used, is a treasure trove of biodiversity, enriched by PDO and PGI, with 70,000 hectares of organic crops and a production that makes Calabria the second most productive region in the country, thanks to the approximately 700 oil mills operating in the area. Gianluca Gallo, regional councilor for agriculture, stated: 《In our land, olive growing represents a piece of history, but also a driver of economic, environmental and cultural development to be supported and indeed strengthened, to promote quality and competitiveness through measures that allow the protection and expansion of the sector》.

Hence the choice to also use the resources made available by the Pnrr, equal to 16,567,725.31 euros, to increase the sustainability of the production process with the introduction of machinery and technologies capable of improving the environmental performance of the extraction activity of extra virgin olive oil, as well as reducing the generation of waste and promoting its reuse for energy purposes. Furthermore, it is also worth mentioning the obligation to follow training courses on the production and tasting of Evo oils.

The Agriculture Department announces that, following the definition of the rankings, the notification procedure to the beneficiaries has already begun, and also in this case well ahead of the other regions, in relation to the projects admitted and financed. To guarantee funding also for requests judged worthy but currently lacking coverage, the Region has taken steps to intercept additional resources.

Councilor Gallo underlines: 《We have already formally requested another 5 million, immediately obtaining 1. For the other 4, which would allow the realization of all the positively evaluated projects, there are concrete possibilities of being able to receive them, as emerged from the official discussions . We are confident and will continue to work for the protection and growth of Calabrian olive growing.

(From “Press Office of the Calabria Region”)

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