Italy 24 Press News

Reijnders’ wife: “Milan fans are fanatics. I’m friends with …”

Marina Reijnders, Tijjani’s wife, has released some statements regarding her husband, a Milan and Holland midfielder

Marina Reijnderswife of Tijjanigave a long and interesting interview to the microphones of ‘The Telegraph’Dutch newspaper, chronicling her husband’s life, relationship with their little son and career at Milan. Here, then, are all his words on the matter.

Milan, Marina Reijnders: “Sometimes I shout at the TV against Tijjani”

“Things are going really fast lately. He played first at AZ and then at Milan with suddenly 80,000 people in the stadium! And now of course the European Championships, which is even bigger. Very special to experience.”

The first European Championship for Tijjani. As ‘Reijnders’ wife’, how do you experience the competitions so far? “I’m looking forward to it. During the match I focus more on Tijjani. I constantly watch where he walks and what he does with the ball. So I think I watch the match differently than others. Tijjani takes a lot of risks on the pitch and sometimes I shout at the TV! Or I also kick with my feet. He likes to dribble at someone, while I think: pass the ball. It’s great that he’s resistant, but sometimes it makes my heart beat faster. E the atmosphere in the stadium is fantastic. I really enjoy myself in the stands, let alone how the men on the pitch experience it.”

“Tijjani told me I could only miss one match of the Euros”

Will you be at the stadium for all the games? “I was at the stadium for the first game, against Poland, and I watched the second game against France in Leipzig at home. Tijjani’s group of friends watched the game at the stadium and we watched TV with all the women in this group at home. Our son Xavién is still small, almost four months old. So if the Dutch team plays in the afternoon at 3pm or in the evening at 6pm, we go there together. But the 9pm games are still too late for him, because I’m still breastfeeding and I don’t want to be away from him for too long. I hope to be at all the games soon. Tijjani told me: “You can lose one in the group stage, but I want you to be at the rest of the games!” I don’t know if he meant it, but secretly I think so. My mother could then babysit in the hotel room in the evening and Xavién will definitely come from the semi-finals!”

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