Italy 24 Press News

«Happy to be here with Manfredi and Conte»

«I am happy that today we are here together with the Mayor Gaetano Manfredi, who is doing a great job in this city, and I’m glad that there is also Giuseppe Conte. Joining forces on more and more social issues, of civil rightsof the industrial plan that the country lacks but also of how we face the climate emergency is what we must do to beat these right-wing groups”. This was said by the secretary of the Democratic Party Elly Schlein on the sidelines of the conference organized in the Campania capital on the eve of Naples Pridein which he participates together with the mayor and the president of the M5S.

“We demonstrated it – said Schlein – just a few days ago, vfires in six out of six regional capitals who went to vote, with coherent coalitions, with a shared program. I believe that the administrative experience of this city also demonstrates that differences can be valued, to fight together the battles that are common and there are many. I’m happy to be here doing them together.”

Tomorrow’s Pride in Naples «is a message of ongoing struggle for the rights of all peopleof the LGBTQIA+ communities and of no longer wanting to tolerate any discrimination in the most inclusive society which is the safest, because it leaves no one behind, does not marginalize anyone, does not discriminate against anyone – continues Schlein – In a year and a half with this government Italy has slipped even further down the LGBTQIA+ rights rankings throughout Europe. We are now in thirty-sixth position out of 48 and we do not accept it, we want to bring Italy in Europe and in the future, that is, where they recognize themselves the fundamental rights of people, where we fight against homosexual-lesbian-transphobia, with a law that we will continue to fight for because this right-wing government has sunk it with a loud applause that we cannot forget. We will still fight for equal marriageto facilitate adoptions, to fully recognize the rights of daughters and sons of homoparental couples, because love cannot be discriminated against and children cannot be discriminated against. The message therefore is that we move forward and will continue to participate and fight, because they can delete a few words from the declarations of the meetings they organize in the luxurious hotels but they can’t erase our bodies, they cannot erase our fight for the freedom and equality of all people.”

«What was achieved with civil unions was a step forward compared to the nothingness that existed before, but we want the equal marriage now“. The president of the M5s said it, Joseph Conte: «In Italy there is still a problem of failure to adapt the rules, but achieving the objective of recognizing the rights of the person whatever they may be. Meloni came to the Chamber and declared with public hypocrisy that there is no attempt to oppose the law on voluntary termination of pregnancy. It’s not like that, it’s not true. In fact, it’s the opposite and it’s done in a sneaky way.”

«We must say that it is unthinkable that the Government, unique from a large European countryhas not given its assent at European level to a declaration to promote European policies in favor of the LGBTQ+ community. It is absurd that there is a reactionary, pigtailed, ignoble attitude – continues Conte – We absolutely must adopt a law in Italy to counter l’molesbotransphobia. In the last legislature we did not succeed, we have already fought a joint battle and we absolutely must recreate the conditions to approve that law”.

“We have nothing in common with the right, but they are united and their unity is the problem we are experiencing today – says Mayor Gaetano Manfredi – We wanted this community to be strongly united, here there is great diversity of thought and it is a value but having a different thought does not mean being separated. Democracy is not made of a single thought, but of united communities that believe in common values, but who also think differently and only if we are united will the ideas and values ​​in which we believe be victorious because in the separation of the progressive front the right wins. Today the right is in government because we went to separate elections, if it had not been so the right would not be in government today”.


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