Italy 24 Press News

The Archeotouch project, art at the service of disabilities, has been concluded. The participants in the MAN Marche with the Ass. Caucci

The Archeotouch project concluded on Wednesday 26 June at the National Archaeological Museum of the Marche, in Palazzo Ferretti, which involved numerous people with disabilities who attend the home services, the Il Sole Day Centers and Laboratories and Crafts, the A and B Day Center , the residential structures of the city Il Cigno, Villa Almagià, Il Samaritano, Don Paolucci.

Among the most exciting moments of the morning was the delivery of certificates of participation to all the children involved by the Social Services councilor Manuela Caucci.

The project was born from the collaboration between the Municipality, the Regional Directorate of the Marche Museums and the ATS11 Coordination. The activities carried out created meeting opportunities in an accessible space where, with facilitated routes and thanks to the attention of the operators, the cognitive aspects and motor difficulties of people were guaranteed the usability of cultural heritage, learning and expressive freedom .

Starting from objects from the museum collection or from the museum itself, the children created artefacts, on the theme “Magic and Amulets”, foreseen by Archeotouch 2024.

“I sincerely thank all the partners of this project – said councilor Caucci – which this morning had its culmination thanks to the welcome of the Archaeological Museum which, also through the presence of qualified personnel, offered all the protagonists this beautiful journey a hospitable and protected environment, giving us an excellent example of social inclusion. The experience gained and the results achieved through collaboration with the residential/day socio-educational structures and with the home educational assistance services of the Municipality have made it possible to create the optimal conditions for the children to enjoy this beautiful and rich experience. Cultural heritage, in addition to carrying out an educational function, is a truly important tool for promoting socialization and stimulating the abilities and potential, even of those who are most difficult to make use of them in daily life”.

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