Italy 24 Press News

Annual report of the Umbria regional government by Donatella Tesei

Annual report of the Umbria regional government by Donatella Tesei

In the Legislative Assembly of Palazzo Cesaroni, the president of the Regional Council of Umbria, Donatella Tesei, presented the “Annual report on the state of implementation of the government program and on the regional administration”. During the illustration, Tesei reviewed the main results obtained by his executive, underlining the efforts made to deal with the emergencies that have affected the region in recent years, such as the 2016 earthquake, the COVID-19 pandemic and the international economic crisis .

**Improvements in connections and infrastructure:**

Tesei highlighted i improvements in connections and infrastructure, with significant interventions in strengthening the road and railway network. He cited projects such as the completion of the Perugia hub and the upgrading of the Orte-Falconara railway, which have improved accessibility and mobility within the region. Furthermore, he mentioned the modernization works of regional airports, aimed at increasing tourist and commercial flows.

**Health reforms and services to citizens:**

The president spoke about the health reforms launched to improve the efficiency of the regional health system. You mentioned the implementation of new treatment protocols, the adoption of innovative technologies and the opening of new centers of healthcare excellence. Tesei underlined the importance of guaranteeing citizens quality health services, despite the difficulties caused by the pandemic.

**Attractiveness of the region and tourism:**

Another key point of the report was the increase in the attractiveness of Umbria as a tourist destination. Tesei praised the tourism promotion campaigns that have enhanced the cultural, natural and food and wine heritage of the region. He cited the increase in visitors and the positive impact on the local hospitality and business sectors.

**Efficiency in the use of community funds and PNRR:**

The president then highlighted the efficiency in the use of community funds and the implementation of the National Recovery and Resilience Plan (PNRR). She explained how these funds were used to finance strategic projects in various sectors, including digitalisation, environmental sustainability and urban redevelopment. Tesei underlined the importance of prudent resource management to ensure the long-term development of the region.

**Opposition criticisms:**

On the other hand, the opposition expressed strong criticism of the management of the Tesei Council. Fabio Paparelli, councilor of the Democratic Party, denounced a critical situation in the public health system, with a reduction in services and an increase in costs borne by citizens. Paparelli accused the administration of not having been able to address the problems linked to the shortage of medical and nursing staff, and of having favored private healthcare to the detriment of public healthcare.

**Concerns about the economy and productivity:**

The criticism was not limited to healthcare. Opposition councilors have raised concerns about the region’s economic growth as insufficient to meet current challenges. They highlighted the stagnation of productivity and the need for more incisive policies to support small and medium-sized enterprises, which constitute the economic fabric of Umbria. Furthermore, criticism has been raised about delays in the implementation of important infrastructure projects, considered essential for economic recovery.

**Social and infrastructural policies:**

Other opposition figures have denounced a lack of adequate social policies to address growing inequalities and support the most vulnerable sections of the population. They complained about delays and inefficiencies in the implementation of crucial infrastructure projects, which they believed could significantly improve the quality of life of Umbrian citizens.

**Reply from the majority:**

Despite the accusations, members of the majority vigorously defended the work carried out by the Tesei Council. They highlighted the progress achieved in several areas, including infrastructure, tourism and housing policies. They highlighted the reduction of regional debt as an important goal of responsible financial management and reiterated their commitment to continue on this path to ensure a sustainable and prosperous future for Umbria.


President Tesei’s annual report offered a detailed overview of the activities and results of the regional government of Umbria, amidst praise and criticism. While the council claims its successes in improving infrastructure, healthcare and tourist attractiveness, the opposition highlights the challenges that are still open, asking for greater efforts to address critical health and economic issues. The discussion will continue, with the aim of ensuring the well-being and development of the region.

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