Italy 24 Press News

It’s less scary but caution is needed

Four years after its appearance on the global scene, Covid is no longer scary, but it has certainly not disappeared. Positive cases are still recorded, although in numbers and with restrictions not even comparable to those of the darkest period. Gian Luigi Belloli, director of Hygiene and Public Health of Forlì-Cesena, takes stock of the situation.

How many active cases have been recorded in Forlì in total and on average in recent months?

«Since the beginning of 2024, there has been a steadily decreasing trend in the positivities found in the swabs performed. In the territorial area of ​​Forlì, the weekly average of new positive cases recorded in the period between the week of 1-7 April and that of 10-16 June was approximately 3 people. 5 cases were recorded in the last week recorded 10-16 June. The data is in line with what was recorded in the other territorial areas of the Romagna ASL”.

How are they treated and what are the indications given to those who test positive? In addition to the precautionary advice, are there rules to follow as in the old Protocols?

«To date, people who test positive in a molecular or antigen diagnostic test for Covid-19 are no longer subjected to the measure of isolation. It is recommended, however, to observe the same precautions valid for preventing the transmission of most respiratory infections. In particular, it is recommended to: wear a respiratory protection device (surgical mask or FFP) if you come into contact with other people; if you are symptomatic, stay home until symptoms subside; apply correct hand hygiene; avoid crowded environments; avoid contact with fragile, immunosuppressed people, pregnant women, and avoid going to hospitals or RSAs. This recommendation is of particular importance for all health and social care workers, who must therefore avoid contact with patients at risk; inform the people with whom you have been in contact in the days immediately preceding the diagnosis, if they are elderly, frail or immunosuppressed; contact your doctor if you are fragile or immunosuppressed, if the symptoms do not resolve after 3 days or if your clinical conditions worsen”.

What is people’s current perception of Covid?

«In recent years, the perception of Covid-19 among the population reveals a tendency to consider the virus less dangerous than in the past. Currently, this change reflects, in fact, a positive adaptation to living with the virus, favored by the widespread diffusion of vaccinations, progress in the management of the disease and the presence of less severe clinical forms. However, it is necessary to monitor the epidemiological trend and maintain high attention on prevention, especially for the most vulnerable people.”

Has anything more been known about the disease compared to the initial period of the pandemic? Factors that perhaps were unknown at the beginning?

«Over the years, new knowledge about the Covid-19 disease has emerged which has significantly enriched our understanding of the virus and its variants. In particular, greater clarity has been achieved on transmission mechanisms, the impact of emerging variants and both natural and vaccine-induced immune responses. Research has highlighted the importance of early therapies in the treatment of infections, thus improving therapeutic strategies. More refined guidelines as well as the widespread use of vaccinations have proven to be effective in preventing serious cases and complications from Covid-19.”

Are there procedures to follow at work among doctors and nurses or has everything returned to the way it was before Covid in hospitals? And after the months of great work and commitment, what is left in terms of behavior?

«It should be underlined that it is still mandatory to wear respiratory protective devices for workers, users and visitors in healthcare facilities within departments that host frail, elderly or immunosuppressed patients, especially if they require high intensity of care. This obligation also extends to social-health and social-welfare facilities, including hospitality and long-term care facilities, healthcare residences, hospices, rehabilitation facilities and residential facilities for the elderly, including those who are not self-sufficient. In health departments other than those indicated and in waiting rooms, the decision on the use of respiratory protection devices is left to the discretion of the health departments, who may request their use for those with respiratory symptoms. As regards medical clinics, the decision on the use of respiratory protection devices remains at the discretion of general practitioners and paediatricians of free choice. The number of health workers from the Romagna Local Health Authority who tested positive in recent months stands at very low values, indeed no cases since the end of March. However, it remains crucial not to let our guard down towards Covid-19, especially in health, social care and social care contexts to protect the most fragile and elderly people. Continuous monitoring and vigilance are essential so as not to undermine the enormous health and social efforts made so far.”

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