Italy 24 Press News

Pride 2024, the success of the parade in Cosenza: “a colorful party”

“Today Cosenza is rich in civilization, safeguarding the rights of all, democratic, open, progressive Cosenzathe socialist Cosenza, he wrote an important page that belongs to our tradition of an inclusive city And supportive”. The mayor of Cosenza declares it, Franz Carusoin the front row of the procession, which continues: “Cosenza Pride 2024” was a great, colorful and memorable party and I would like to thank ArciGay for this national and Cosenza and all the acronyms of the Committee that made this well-attended event possible”.

“Cosenza is an emancipated and avant-garde city, ready to look to the future, respecting each and every one, in order to continue on the path of defending rights and freedoms, to stem prejudices and hostility of all kinds. And today she amply demonstrated it. What we are going through together is not an easy road.”

“It is a road still paved with obstacles and roughness and which in many situations also becomes tortuous. But if the road is uphill, our Administration is and will always be alongside the LGBTQIA+ community sharing their claims and battles to practice and implement egalitarian and non-discriminatory policies and laws”.

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