Italy 24 Press News


The Basilicata Regional Command of the Guardia di Finanza launched, in the presence of the
highest authorities, civil, military and religious, at a series of events to celebrate the 250th anniversary
Anniversary of its foundation, with the aim of enhancing the image and role of the Corps in Basilicata.
In particular, the first event was held at 10:00, in the cemetery of Tricarico, in the province of Matera, at
presence of the Mayor of Tricarico, the Basilicata Regional Commander Gen. B. Roberto Pennoni and the
Provincial Commander Matera Col. Roberto Maniscalco, with the deposition of a laurel wreath at the chapel
of the Army Corps General Giuseppe Massaioli, a tribute to a Lucanian soldier, hero of the resistance and
General Commander of the Guardia di Finanza from April 1962 to April 1964.
Afterwards, in the City of Sassi, in the presence of the Interregional Commander
of Southern Italy, Gen. CA Vito Augelli, of the Inspector General for the Education Departments, Gen. CA
Bruno Buratti, and the main civil, military and religious authorities of the Basilicata Region, at the Hall
Conference of the Archaeological Museum “D. Ridola”, the conference was held on “The 250 years of the history of
Guardia di Finanza and the figure of the Lucanian Gen. CA Massaioli, soldier of the Resistance and General Commander
of the Yellow Flames”.
The works were introduced by the director of the National Museums of Matera, the architect. Annamaria Mauro, and I am
those who spoke at the meeting, moderated by the journalist Beatrice Volpe, were Gen. B. Roberto Pennoni and prof. Donato
Verrastro (professor of contemporary history at the University of Basilicata).
Furthermore, at the same National Archaeological Museum “Domenico Ridola” Museum, it was held
the inauguration of the exhibition “The rediscovered heritage”, where archaeological finds recovered in were exhibited
multiple police activities by the Materana Financial Police. There are over 100 objects dating back to between the VI and the
4th century BC, which include both finds from ancient Daunia and objects of Magna Graecia manufacture.
Finally, in Piazza San Pietro Caveoso, “the Fanfare of the Legion” performed in concert
Students of the Guardia di Finanza of Bari” who performed various arrangements of well-known soundtracks as well as
most famous pieces by Giuseppe Verdi, proposed with a new jazz style.
During the evening, presented by the journalist Antonella Losignore, the actor, among others, spoke
Lucano Rocco Papaleo, the cabaret artist Dino Paradiso, the tenor Francesco Zingariello and Rocco Petruzzi (historic keyboard player of Pino Mango) who directed the Fanfare in a moving arrangement of “Mediterraneo”, one of the
greatest hits of the late Lucanian singer-songwriter.
In the aforementioned square, a celebratory stand was also set up for the 250th Anniversary, with panels
displays, noticeboards and historical uniforms of the Corps.
The musical performance, particularly appreciated for the repertoire proposed, was embellished by the choir of
children’s voices of the Giovanni Paolo II Institute of Policoro, with the exciting soundtrack by Nicola Piovani of
Roberto Benigni’s film “Life is beautiful” and the grand finale of Mameli’s anthem.

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