Italy 24 Press News

Uncontrolled stray animals, effect of the transformation of the policies of the South calls North to Ragusa

Alongside the serious and persistent critical issues of the waste sector, public greenery and city decorum, of the historic centres, there is another serious problem that haunts the city, it is absolutely not under control, in fact it is growing disproportionately in many areas.
Coincidentally, the effects of the mayor’s policies converge with the latest municipal ones who, for fear of not reaching the second mandate, has co-opted different forces, some without a political acronym, promising departments as if they were cured meats and bottles of liquor for a parish festival.
The result, which we do not identify but is the result of the considerations of various political forces and which makes its way among the people, is that a handful of inexperienced, incapable and without experience of politics and administration, has been concentrated in some sectors which, more, they suffer from bad management, it would be better to say management that does not exist except in the papers, in the programs, in the projects.
Until the last session of the city council, the councilor for stray animals, Di Stefano, an expression of Cateno De Luca’s political movement, was the protagonist of a worrying intervention in response to requests to find solutions to the rampant problem of stray animals.
First of all, because he admitted, candidly, as can be heard in the recording of the session, that there are many stray dogs around, but the department would act according to what the law prescribes.
Then the usual refrain dear to the Cassì councilors, “we are working on various projects”, then the clarification that the money promised by the Region has not arrived, but it is money to compensate for the sums spent in the previous year, no one points this out.
Again, the councilor says that thinking of catching all the strays is not functional, he does not agree with such a move, there are still many ongoing projects, even with sector associations, volunteers are needed to collaborate, there are projects shared with the ASP for sterilizations, then the figure of the tutor is targeted, in the meantime improvements have been made to the health shelter. Practically, cosmic nothingness.
That’s all, according to the councilor, don’t worry, the packs of dogs, at the moment, can act uncontrolled, until, we add, some misfortune happens and then there will be the mayor’s moving speeches.
Moving on to the political aspect, the intervention of councilor Distefano is worrying as it does not show at all the flashes of Cateno De Luca’s policies which enthused the people but which did not find adequate protagonists in the elected representatives on the outskirts to make the party grow, as one would have hoped.
Indeed, there has been an involution, which also reverberated on the leader at the last European elections, to remain in Ragusa it seems that the party leaders are thinking of leaving the Cassì majority considering that staying in the coalition governing the city has not constituted added value for South calls North, even caused disappointment among citizens due to the inaction, the total submissive acquiescence to Cassì, leaving aside the rumors of internal fibrillations for the councilor’s seat, all things that the party leaders in the province, should be placed at the center of careful political scrutiny.

Today there is yet another statement from Segio Firrincieli, group leader of the 5 Star Movement, the last Japanese in the trenches who did not understand that the war is over.
There is a new climate, civility has shown all its limits, there is a reawakening of the left, we must return to the front line, as in the time of the fuck you, the movements of Peppe Grillo who understood how the The 5 Star Movement, in the hands of the current leader, is destined to disappear.
“Berlusconi got more votes when he was dead than Conte when he was alive” said the guarantor Grillo, showing his non-compliance with the moderate transformation of the Grillini, the one that we ourselves have always contested in Firrincieli who, at this point, must understand what his chance is: to return to the aggressive 5 Stars, to become the protagonist in Ragusa, in the Municipality, of this opposition that does not hesitate, to lay bare everything that needs to be laid bare, and there is so much to unveil, in all departments, promoting a change in the movement which cannot yet move forward only with groups of friends.

This is Sergio Firrincieli’s note, a complaint that must be preserved because, as things are going, nothing good can be expected in the sector, decisive, concrete interventions are needed which, in light of the facts, we dare say, cannot , and does not want to, produce this councilor who, incidentally, according to rumors, boasts of having obtained the establishment of a specific chapter for the districts, where 70,000 euros would be allocated for maintenance, a sum which, it seems, has not yet reached the department drawers.


“Although the municipal councilor for the branch continues to display confidence, underlining that everything is fine on the issue, we continue to receive reports that make us understand that the situation is anything but calm.
Once again, therefore, we denounce that concrete steps forward must be taken regarding the stray dog ​​phenomenon and that all this laxity is generating problem after problem, one drop after another, which risks generating a cascade. And we must not get to this.”
This was said by the municipal councilor of the Five Star movement, Sergio Firrincieli, who reports the document received from some residents of a specific area of ​​the city. Who state: “For about two weeks, on the municipal road ex Sp 116, Prato district and surrounding areas up to the helipad and antenna area, a pack of 5 dogs has been terrorizing people on foot and has caused and continues to cause carnage of cats pets who are only guilty of taking an evening walk near “their” homes.
These dogs are certainly the result of a litter that was abandoned as often happens in the area. It is useless to say words against this scoundrel who, instead of sterilizing their animals, takes the honor of having them bred and then abandons the puppies which inevitably become strays.
A separate discussion must be made to the municipal administration and in particular to the councilor of the branch who should curb and find suitable solutions to a problem of his own relevance and for which he is paid handsomely by the citizens of Ragusa.
It is not possible that we should avoid even a simple walk because there are stray dogs everywhere… and don’t tell us that “the dogs are under monitoring and are harmless” because that is not the case.
We, like many other people, are terrified if a dog comes after us even just to play, let alone a pack.
And since the cat massacre is not news that causes a stir in our city, we can only hope that something worse doesn’t happen. We guarantee that the herd is not manageable. Solutions exist but it is necessary to think of citizens as people to be protected and not as future voters. Probably for a “politician” having the applause of all minds is the main objective but taking certain positions is synonymous with personality and credibility even at the expense of consensus.
In any case, if one wanted to intervene, the dogs we are referring to have elected their residence in a ruined house on the aforementioned road.”
“So far – underlines Firrincieli for his part – the position taken by these exasperated citizens. Naturally, we are absolutely convinced that animal protection is an essential element for an evolved society. But, at the same time, we cannot jeopardize the safety of citizens. And we have been collecting reports like this for longer and in various parts of the city.
This is why we ask that the branch councilor carries out monitoring in the area with those responsible and evaluates how to intervene. The situation is truly in danger of getting out of hand and before the irreparable happens it is necessary to find adequate solutions.”

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