Italy 24 Press News

Sardinia: hundreds of tractors and over two thousand farmers in the streets due to the drought

Hundreds of tractors and over 2 thousand farmers and breeders in the garrisons poured into the streets of the “sea routes”, from North to South, from Olbia to Sarrabus passing through the Nuoro area, to raise their cry of alarm over the thirst that is affecting Sardinia and, in particular, the eastern coast of Sardinia. Drought that is bringing many companies to their knees, some facing the threat of closure. Because there were so many people who participated in the historic Coldiretti Sardinia demonstration in these areas and all united to turn the political spotlight on the great problem of drought, asking for a state of calamity and emergency to support companies that are exhausted. From Coldiretti the request for an extraordinary commissioner to deal with emergencies and implement a strategic infrastructure plan to bring the primary good to the many agricultural-pastoral companies which are having serious repercussions on their turnover due to the lack of water.

In fact, there are crops of all types at risk, from vegetables to fruit, including citrus fruits and seasonal fruits, including viticulture with the unknown of the next harvest in many of the areas that cannot count on support irrigation. All without forgetting the fodder crops which are creating serious problems for farmers forced to spend additional resources to purchase feed. The very survival of the animals is also at risk with the tankers traveling around the affected areas, in support of the farmers, but delays follow one another. And so, for this reason, there is the other Coldiretti request with vouchers to support expenses in companies in this moment of crisis. Among the other points of the protest is the request for compensatory measures for crops affected by the lack of water due to the prolonged drought.

“A month of mobilization also begins in Sardinia on drought: we are living in a dramatic situation – announces the president Coldiretti Sardinia, Battista Cualbu, in procession in Northern Sardinia with hundreds of tractors and farmers along the state road 131 Dcn – in winter we threw water into the sea, today we have a strong need for it. If it is true that the blame cannot be attributed to a council that has recently come to govern this region, on the other hand we ask them for immediate measures – he specifies – starting from the state of natural disaster to help agricultural businesses which at this rates are not they manage to move forward. We need to solve the very important structural problems, but there is no time to waste even with vouchers to support breeders and farmers who are seeing their harvest wasted.” For the president of Coldiretti Nuoro-Ogliastra, Leonardo SalisFurthermore, “the situation is now dramatic with our companies without stocks of hay and feed – he explains – our members are in ruins. We need to intervene immediately with funds to immediately help companies with both feed and fodder, without forgetting concrete help to get water where it has been lacking for weeks – he concludes – many companies, in fact, don’t even have the possibility of watering their own animals.”

From Sarrabus the director of Coldiretti Sardinia, Luke Saba, he adds, “we need the help of institutions so that they are quick to support companies. In a month’s time the situation in these territories will now be irrecoverable for both animals and crops – he adds – the demonstrations not only serve to support the agricultural and pastoral sector but are fundamental for all the local communities that suffer these serious hardships”. Giorgio Demurtas, president of Cagliari, also says: “We are once again bringing concrete proposals to politics to overcome this moment of emergency, but we are putting into play as many structural proposals that help resolve the great thirst of these territories Farmers need water. ” Finally, the director of Coldiretti Nuoro-Ogliastra specified “the drought is not enough to affect farmers and breeders, even the bureaucracy continues to block the arrival of support – he says – politics must give answers on this too”.

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