Italy 24 Press News

Lecce, Patrick Dorgu’s future is still in Salento

Naples, Rome, Milan and Juventus only in Italy. Rumors, polls, voices and interests, nothing more for now but you don’t end up in the notebooks of some of our football’s big names by chance.

We are talking about Patrick Dorgua talent not yet 20 years old discovered by Corvino in Denmark for a paltry sum and now appreciated by half of Serie A.

In this article today we will try to explain why, in our opinion, the Danish full-back should stay another year with the Lecce. We will not write motivations from fans, but we will try to strengthen our thesis with solid arguments in support of what we believe is truly the best for this boy who, for his part, represents the present and the future for the Via Costadura club.

Age is just an advantage

First of all, we will not fall into the mistake of indicating a class of 2004 as a young player in our football, but at 19 years old Patrick Dorgu still has plenty of time to make mistakes and understand his mistakes first hand. There is no rush, therefore, and there is still ample room for improvement available to show hidden but imaginable qualities given the proportion of his talent.

Experience to consolidate but…

Yet, despite his very young age, Dorgu can already boast 32 appearances in Serie A, with two goals against Fiorentina and Sassuolo. He played as a full-back and as a midfielder, showing excellent skills in the offensive phase and some limitations in coverage. Obviously we can and must improve in both aspects, although the 2004 class seems more at ease when he has the ball at his feet than when he has to try to uproot it from the feet of others.

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