Italy 24 Press News

the Apulian Excellence 2024/25 is completed

No Serie D for Bisceglie: after losing the play-off with Ugento, the star-studded Nerazzurri also fell in the national play-off final against Costa d’Amalfi.

After the 1-1 draw a week ago, the Biscegliesi lost 2-1 in comeback, in extra time, in the return match just concluded in Campania. A negative epilogue which however comes at the culmination of a post-season journey made up of zero victories: there were 4 draws (against Molfetta, twice against Lamezia and in the first leg against Amalfi) and two defeats in the two finals.

Thus, the picture of the single Apulian Eccellenza group of 20 teams for the 2024/25 season is completed: it should be remembered, first of all, that in the next championship the division into the double group that has been recorded from 2020 onwards will be overcome, in following the Covid pandemic which had led to an increase in the number of teams involved in the top regional series. The return to the compact championship will take place in several phases: the next season will in fact have 20 teams, the following one with 18 and the one after that with 16, a format that will then be preserved for the years to come.

Below is the complete list:
Molfetta Calcio, Unione, Polimnia, Canosa, Corato, Nuova Spinazzola, Foggia Incedit, Manduria, Atletico Racale, Soccer Massafra, Arboris Belli, Ginosa, Brilla Campi, Novoli, Atletico Acquaviva, Galatina, Bitonto, Barletta, Gallipoli and Bisceglie.

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