Italy 24 Press News

more than five thousand people in the square. THE PHOTOS

Today, June 16th, it took place the 2024 edition of Verona Pride, with which the streets of our city were colored by the multiplicity of bodies, claims and sensibilities that inhabit our places every day, finding space and visibility. For the first year, the event, part of a path of initiatives and work also shared with the city administration on LGBTQIA+ issues, sees the patronage of the Municipality of Verona, on whose behalf the Mayor of Verona Damiano Tommasi also spoke.

An opportunity, like every year, to reclaim squares and streetscreating a large and safe space where we can show everyone that there is a Verona that is attentive to rights and that celebrates and claims a city suitable for every subjectivity and individuality.


The Verona Pride Committee – made up of the associations Arcigay Pianeta Milk, Rete degli Studenti Medi Verona, UDU Verona, Arci Yanez, Arci Verona and GASP – declares itself incredibly satisfied with the initiative.

Laura Pesce, president of Verona Pride, declares: «We know well how the granting of patronage by the municipality is not a given: it comes after years of demonstrations, common paths, and we want things to continue to change from this – from the closeness of the institutions – but also and above all from the street movement. In a historical moment in which many rights are trampled on, retracted and completely questioned, we respond to those who say that Pride events are no longer useful with today’s demonstration!”.

The city of Verona responded enthusiastically to the Verona Pride parade: more than five thousand people crossed the city center, starting from Piazza Santa Toscana (Veronetta), passing through Ponte Navi and Piazza Bra, until reaching the Walls of San Bernardino, where the event ended at the Mura Pride Fest, with the music of Elasi and DJ Rosma.

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More than 25 associations joined the manifesto of intent and the Pride event itself: Circolo Pink, SAT, Rainbow Families, Agedo, Eimì, Fridays For Future Verona, XR Verona, UAAR Verona, Legambiente Verona, Order of Social Workers Verona, Emergency Verona, Adi Verona, ANPI Verona, Diplomart, Il mondo di irene, Isolina è, Order of Psychologists, Doctors Without Borders Verona, Afroveronese, Planet b festival, Arianna’s thread, RedLab, R’Ossi da Brodo, Verona Radicale, Oriel aps

Points out Laura Bergamin, vice-president of the Committee: «Over the years, we are noticing a growing sensitivity even among allies of the LGBTQIA+ community. Citizenship responds with strength and awareness that there are no rights that are more valuable than others, but that the transversality of struggles is fundamental. Situations of oppression, invisibilization and denial of rights are no longer acceptable: for this reason, in the streets today we forcefully said no to racial discrimination, no to wars and colonialism, no to oppressive regimes, to the repression of dissent, no to the discussion of places of knowledge”.

Laura Pesce continues on this: «A city and a society in which the rights of the LGBTQIA+ community are punctuated, highlighted and respected, is a free city that protects everyone. From this Pride we want set out to create bridges and imagine concrete examples of intersectionalityin a city that can be an example.”

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