Italy 24 Press News

“This PGT is a gift to the city.” Here because. (Video)

The Legnano Democratic Party still has something to say about the approval of the PGT

Legnano -“We do not “dominate” anything, to obtain the approval of the PGT it is good to remember that there are rules and constraints to be respected“, explains the Leader of the Democratic Party in the City Council and president of the Future City Commission Sara Borgio in the meeting with the press, also in the presence of the Secretary of the Legnanese Democratic Party Giacomo Pigni, which followedThe approval of the Legnano PGT took place on the night of Thursday 13 June.

We were attacked for wanting to review the general variant to the PGT, rather than just proceed with a rewriting of the document (a document that expires every 5 years, ed.) but, instead, we say that the city needs to change, there is a need to a reduction in land consumption and therefore we wanted to go beyond the canonical 60% by aiming for 65%”.

No more former areas: Legnano turning point

“We were also told that we had blocked the city, when in fact we want to unblock it and develop it quite the opposite: let’s stop with all these former areas: “ex Manifattura”, “ex Franco Tosi”, etc. Legnano is a hub city and it is therefore necessary for the new to advance, but for this a different push is needed”.

Taking for example just thethe Tosi area, which with the Manufacturing complex are the two areas that have suffered the most from the various repercussions of the new document, Borgio says: “the design that we want for these areas is a design that involves the whole city; therefore with new connections, new car parks, we do not want to serve the interests of the private sector: it is a difficult issue to balance but, as far as possible, the public interest will always prevail over the private sector. We can still continue to build, as long as public need and utility come first.” “We have the best interests of the city and its citizens at heart. Too often, however, both in the City Council, but above all in the Commissions, this is missing”, concludes Borgio.

Before moving on though…

Too often they accuse us of being “little soldiers” and of not “taking a stand” -, says Pigni-, instead, I guarantee you that throughout the coalition there are people who love and work for Legnano and to lead the city, able to see the “north star”, that of a clear political project. This PGT, which contains clear and precise indications to work on, and approved in this part of our mandate, is a “gift” to the city and to all the administrations that will come after us”.

Now that we’ve said it all, let’s turn the page“, thus concluded the session on Mayor Root. The approval of the PGT was a long and exhausting process, in fact, with quite a few twists and turns which resulted in clashes, often heated, between the majority and the opposition several times – even in the approval session only the municipal councilor Grillo (FdI), but only as a listener.

The absence was passed off as a political act, when in fact for some Councilors a potential conflict of interest had become apparent“. Pigni throws a pebble and in reference to the issue of President Silvestri’s declared conflict of interest regarding Pgt he says: “There’s no harm in declaring it right away. It is worse when you don’t declare it and you participate in the Commission sessions and in the discussion of the counterarguments”…in short, let those who have sinned cast the first stone…

“Forward with respect and for the citizens”

The City Councils in Legnano are not City Councils, the figure of the Prime Minister is not respected: like it or not he is an institutional figure who is doing a very good and tiring job. This document that was approved was an important document, which we would have liked to discuss but we were unable to do so, because sterile controversy was always preferred to discussion of the document. Mystifying reality and using continuous personal attacks only creates damage.” “I hope that we can return to sit in the City Council with respect, to return to political activity for the citizens”, concludes the Secretary of the PD Legnano.

Jessica Urbani

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Jessica Urbani

Born and raised in Legnano, she was interested in the old tales of her city from an early age. By collaborating with the Sempione News editorial team, you can make this passion a daily reality.

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