Italy 24 Press News

From the La Spezia community an utimatum to the ADSP on ZLS and One Stop Shop

“Immediate acceleration of the process of creating the One-Stop Shop (of checks on goods, ed) provided for by the regulation at the AdSP structure of the eastern Ligurian Sea and to the effective delimitation and activation of the Simplified Logistics Zone in the port of La Spezia and in the inland port of Santo Stefano Magra, with a finally clear and precise indication of the extra-provincial areas involved which have joined”.

That of the Port Community of La Spezia no longer has the characteristics of an appeal: “The business associations that are part of it, those of freight forwarders, customs brokers and maritime agents, who in recent years have intensified their investments to give the logistics system La Spezia’s unique characteristics of efficiency determined also and especially by a rational interface between port and harbour, today launch a real ultimatum” we read in a note.

“Expertise, coordination and commitment to training and international promotion are key elements – the associations argue – to transform this initiative into an engine of sustainable economic development not only for Liguria but for an increasingly wider area of ​​gravitation of traffics. Furthermore, the future of the Santo Stefano Magra backport area is at stake on this issue, where private operators of the port of La Spezia have already concentrated huge investments in a system logic that sees the port and backport working in synergy with the goods and creating new jobs”.

“The time factor – the Community continues in its ultimatum – is no longer an independent variable as some seem to think. For this reason, the business associations, through their presidents, are turning the page from today and are applying to directly develop and promote the Simplified Logistics Zone, also by activating an information desk aimed at encouraging the settlement and investment of new companies in the ZLS, and aiming to quickly have a customs closed area which is the real new element and represents a strategic opportunity for economic and logistical development”.

The Logistics Zone finds in the Single Desk (which should be activated in a very short time by the Adsp) the decisive move to start the entire innovation gear and the private operators say they are “no longer willing to stand by and watch because it development depends on the ability to do, and do immediately, translating into facts the will expressed long ago by the Adsp itself as well as by entrepreneurs in the sector. To start the ZLS, the first step is to eliminate bureaucracy, preventing associations or interest groups from competing for supremacy instead of aiming for the growth of proximity logistics”.

The La Spezia port community concludes by saying: “We are aware that unfortunately the tax breaks will not, at the moment, be part of the opportunities provided by the ZLS, but this does not diminish or compromise the scope of the de-bureaucratization and single authorization process envisaged by the regulation for the new logistics settlements; process capable of strengthening the role of the port of La Spezia as a logistics hub of primary importance in the country’s logistics system”.


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